
Call for Meeting Registration and Poster Abstracts
5th United States and Canada Northern Oil and Gas Research Forum
Taking Stock: Sharing Best Practices and Identifying Needs for Viable Beaufort Sea and Adjacent Lands Development

11-13 October 2017
Anchorage, Alaska

Poster abstract submission deadline: Sunday, 10 September 2017

Registration deadline: 1 October 2017 or until full

To register for the Forum, go to:

For information about abstract guidelines and submission, go to:…

For information about the Forum, go to:

Organizers invite registration and abstract submissions for the 5th Northern Oil and Gas Research Forum. The theme of the forum is “Taking Stock: Sharing Best Practices and Identifying Needs for Viable Beaufort Sea and Adjacent Lands Development.” The forum will convene 11-13 October 2017 in Anchorage, Alaska.

The year the Forum aims to take stock of progress achieved and major challenges that remain in this field. The Forum will feature panels, technical sessions, posters, and keynote luncheon presentations. It will feature current research and highlight information needs for management of petroleum activities in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, North Slope, and Mackenzie Valley.

The Forum will provide an opportunity to discuss current and future priorities for environmental, social, engineering, and other research in the North. Forum participants include a cross-section of disciplines, from federal, territorial, and state governments; Indigenous organizations; industry; academia; and environmental non-governmental organizations. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss activities and research, community engagement, and partnerships.

Panel session topics include:

  • Science-based decision-making;
  • Community and industry perspectives, priorities, and research/monitoring needs;
  • Scenario planning;
  • Meaningful engagement of Indigenous peoples in oil and gas activities;
  • Shared leadership and governance perspectives from U.S. and Canada and the Arctic Council;
  • Role of regional studies, environmental assessments, and cumulative effects; and
  • Role of research in regulation.

Technical session topics include:

  • Environment;
  • Oil spill prevention;
  • Ice, ocean, and air;
  • Community-driven research and monitoring;
  • Biological observatories and monitoring;
  • Oil spill response; and
  • Science in area-based management.

Poster abstract submission deadline: Sunday, 10 September 2017

Registration will remain open until filled. Space is limited.

For more information about abstract guidelines and submission, go to:…

Poster abstracts should be submitted via email to Filip Petrovic at Filip.Petrovic [at]

To register for the Forum, go to:

For more information about the Forum, go to: