
Extended Call for Applications
Fulbright-NSF Arctic Research Grants

Extended application deadline: 12 September 2017

For the full call for applications, award requirements, and to apply, go to:…

For questions, contact program staff at:
Email: EuropeEurasia [at]
Phone: 202-686-6247

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program and the National Science Foundation (NSF) continue to invite applications for research grants. These grants are open to scholars in social and natural science fields as they relate to the Arctic and people living in Arctic regions. Applications are open to scholars of all levels, including early career researchers, however completion of a doctoral degree is required.

The selected visiting scholars will be expected to conduct Arctic-related research in Iceland. Projects must be well defined and must be completed within the grant period. Grant length may range from three to 12 months, with scholars expected to be in Iceland for the entire length of their proposed grant period. Grants should begin no earlier than August 2018 and must be completed by mid-August 2019.

In addition to being an academic exchange program, the Fulbright Program is designed to expand and strengthen relationships between the people of the United States and citizens of other nations and to promote international understanding and cooperation. To support this mission, Fulbright Scholars will be asked to give public talks, mentor students, and otherwise engage with the host community, in addition to their primary research or teaching activities‎.

All social sciences are eligible, including but not limited to anthropology, archaeology, economics, environmental humanities, geography, gender studies, governance, linguistics, political science, psychology, public/global health, science and technology studies, sociology, traditional knowledge and related subjects, or other appropriate fields.

Eligible natural science fields include glaciology, geology, sustainability science, and other applicable fields.

Scholars may engage in limited teaching activities if they would like, as long as the main focus is on the research project.

Extended application deadline: 12 September 2017

For the full call for applications, award requirements, and to apply, go to:…

For questions, contact program staff at:
Email: EuropeEurasia [at]
Phone: 202-686-6247