
Call for Session Abstracts
Arctic Change 2017

11-15 December 2017
Quebec City, Canada

Abstract submission deadline: Friday, 22 September 2017

For further information about the meeting and abstract submission, go to:

Organizers are currently accepting abstract submissions for the Arctic Change 2017 conference. The meeting will be held 11-15 February 2018 in Quebec City, Canada.

Conveners of the following session invite abstract submissions:

SESSION COA01: Glacier Change and Ice-Ocean Interaction
Session Chairs: Derek Mueller and Luke Copeland.

Arctic glaciers and ice shelves have undergone substantial changes in the last decade, including the production of numerous icebergs and larger ice islands. Understanding the changing dynamics of these cryospheric features can provide insight into the impacts and patterns of climate and oceanic warming in high latitude regions. There are currently many unanswered questions in this topic, such as whether glaciers will speed up or slow down in response to a warming climate, whether Arctic ice shelf losses can have upstream effects on glacier dynamics, and how recently observed Arctic sea ice losses are related to ice shelf breakup events. There is also a need for improved understanding of the impacts of these changes on northern infrastructure, such as the degree of risk ice islands pose to offshore oil development and whether iceberg production from glaciers will impact northern shipping. This session will bring together recent research in these topics, and organizers encourage contributions from researchers working in field, modelling, and remote sensing studies of all aspects of ice shelves/tongues, icebergs/ice islands, glaciers, and ice caps.

For the complete call for session abstracts, go to:

For further information about the meeting and abstract submission, go to: