
Position Available
Training and Outreach Coordinator
Arctic Data Center
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
Santa Barbara, California

Initial application review date: Friday, 8 September 2017

Final application deadline: 31 December 2017

For the complete position description, go to:

For questions, contact the Hiring Department at:

The National Science Foundation Arctic Data Center invites applications for the position of training and outreach coordinator. This position will be located at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) in Santa Barbara, California.

The training and outreach coordinator will be responsible for managing a community engagement, training, and outreach program in a manner consistent with the philosophy, mission, policies, and procedures of the Arctic Data Center. This position is responsible for facilitating, coordinating, designing, conducting, and integrating multiple training and outreach initiatives across the Arctic Data Center and for continued community engagement outside these initiatives through social media and other communication channels. The training and outreach coordinator will work closely with the principal investigators for the Arctic Data Center to build a nationally-recognized program that meets the needs of the Arctic research community.

Responsibilities of the training and outreach coordinator include:

  • Coordinate, design, and deliver training in open science that serves the needs of the Arctic research community;
  • Collaborate on and develop training content and community training resources to be shared openly via the Arctic Data Center website and other mechanisms;
  • Support outreach and general program promotion for the Arctic Data Center;
  • Engage and build community of users around the Arctic Data Center;
  • Collaborate with other community programs on the development of cross-cutting training programs and resources;
  • Lead a team in the delivery of community-wide training, engagement, and outreach activities;
  • Mentor graduate and undergraduate interns working on training, engagement, and outreach projects;
  • Develop and conduct assessments and usability evaluations for tools, services, and trainings;
  • Collaborate with other staff in research, education, engagement, and training; and
  • Program evaluation.

Minimum qualifications include:

  • Experience with training and development of training curricula;
  • Experience in data science and research computing, including programming in one or more research computing languages (e.g., R); and
  • Bachelor's degree (B.S., B.A.) in science, information science, or related fields.

Preferred qualifications include:

  • An advanced degree (M.S., PhD) in science, information science, or related fields;
  • Ability to translate complex scientific and computing information and concepts to a variety of audiences, including the general public;
  • Ability to work effectively both independently and collaboratively;
  • Ability to manage several projects at the same time;
  • Strong networking and relationship-building skills and interest in building broad collaborations; and
  • Ability to work well with a wide range of constituencies, including governmental bodies, non-governmental organizations, industry, and communities.

Applications must be completed online and include a curriculum vitae, cover letter, and the name of contact information for three references.

To apply, go to:

Initial application review date: Friday, 8 September 2017

Final application deadline: 31 December 2017

For the complete position description, including additional qualifications, go to:

For questions, contact the Hiring Department at: