
Reminder: Call for Applications
Polar Prediction School 2018
17-27 April 2018
Abisko, Sweden

Application deadline: Friday, 15 September 2017

For more information, go to:…

For questions, contact:
Email: info [at]

Organizers announce a call for applications for the Polar Prediction School 2018 on weather and climate prediction in polar regions. This course is open to early career scientists, including advanced graduate students, PhD students, and postdoctoral researchers, and will convene 17-27 April 2018 at the Abisko Scientific Research Station in Abisko, Sweden.

The course will include a combination of polar weather and climate theory lectures with exercises on modeling, field meteorology techniques, and soft skill training. Each of these components is a part of the prediction problem, and combining them will provide participants with a more complete overview of the components required to understand and predict polar weather.

Applications must include:

  • A curriculum vitae of a maximum of two pages;
  • An expression of interest letter, maximum of two pages, detailing:
    - Applicant's research background and how it is relevant to the course;
    - Reasons for interest in attending the course and how it can benefit the applicant's research career;
    - Estimated travel costs to Abisko with note on whether applicant is applying for travel support;
    - Indication of whether applicant's research project is funded by or in part by the Advanced Prediction in Polar regions and beyond:
    modelling, observing system design and LInkages associated with a Changing Arctic climaTE (APPLICATE) project; and
    - Any additional information that may be relevant to the course or application.

Application must be sent as one PDF file to info [at]

Registration for the Polar Prediction School 2018 includes all accommodation, food, and other fees or costs at the station. Travel to the station is not included in the registration fee. Limited support for travel and registration costs may be available and will be distributed to accepted participants.

Polar Prediction School 2018 is organized by the APPLICATE project, in cooperation with the World Meteorological Organization's Polar Prediction Project (PPP), the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), and other partners.

Application deadline: Friday, 15 September 2017.

For more information, go to:…

For questions, contact:
Email: info [at]