
Call for Topical Session Abstracts
Arctic Frontiers Science 2018
The New Arctic in the Global Context

21-26 January 2018
Tromso, Norway

Abstract submission deadline: Tuesday, 19 September 2017

For submission guidelines and to submit an abstract, go to:…

For more information about The New Arctic in the Global Context, go to:…

For more information about the conference, go to:

For questions, contact:
Luisa Cristini
Email: luisa.cristini [at]

The Arctic Frontiers Science 2018 conference will address the management of opportunities and challenges to achieve viable economic growth with societal and environmental sustainability in the Arctic and will address the following topics:

  • Aquaculture in the High North in Times of Change;
  • The New Arctic in the Global Context;
  • Resilient Arctic Societies and Industrial Development; and
  • Circumpolar Safety, Search, and Rescue Collaboration.

Conveners of the topic entitled The New Arctic in the Global Context invite abstract submissions for the following eight topical sessions:

  • Overviews: overview on projects and initiatives that aim to improve knowledge on the polar weather and climate system and ecosystem processes in order to enhance predictability of environmental parameters;
  • Observations: sea-ice changes and decline, snow changes, ocean warming and circulation, atmospheric circulation and weather, ecosystem changes, and observing system design;
  • Modelling: assessment and development of weather and climate models and interdisciplinary model approaches;
  • Prediction: from weather forecast to seasonal and subseasonal prediction and climate projections;
  • Linkages to Mid-latitudes: how Arctic climate change influences weather and climate across the Northern Hemisphere;
  • Ecosystem Processes: how the Arctic ecosystem functions from the interactions of its component species (humans included), habitats, and physical features as they affect one another, directly and indirectly;
  • User Engagement: bringing together the forecast community and end users of polar prediction products; and
  • Governance of the New Arctic: how policies and management procedures will change due to changing Arctic environment, e.g., regulations for new shipping routes, fisheries, communities in the Arctic that might be influenced by weather and environmental changes.

Abstract submission deadline: Tuesday, 19 September 2017

For submission guidelines and to submit an abstract, go to:…

For more information about The New Arctic in the Global Context, go to:…

For more information about the conference, go to:

For questions, contact:
Luisa Cristini
Email: luisa.cristini [at]