
Call for Prospectuses
U.S. CLIVAR-Sponsored Working Groups
U.S. Climate Variability and Predictability Program

Prospectus submission deadline: 12 October 2017

For the complete call for Working Groups prospectuses, go to:… (PDF - 169 KB)

For questions or to submit a prospectus, contact:
U.S. CLIVAR Project Office
Email: uscpo [at]

The United States Climate Variability and Predictability Program (U.S. CLIVAR) project office announces a call for U.S. CLIVAR-sponsored Working Groups (WGs). This year's call supports the possibility of up to one new working group, which will be initiated in January 2018 and continue over a two- to three-year period.

Typically each fall, U.S. CLIVAR solicits prospectuses for new limited-lifetime working groups to accelerate progress within the community on a specific research topic of priority relevance to U.S. CLIVAR. Announcements inviting new working groups are provided in the U.S. CLIVAR monthly newsgram and on the U.S. CLIVAR website. Prospectuses identify potential members and the U.S. CLIVAR Scientific Steering Committee approves the core membership of up to 12 U.S. scientists. Visit the working group webpages to view successful prospectuses, their membership, and accomplishments.

Working Groups may be formed jointly with other national and international programs (e.g., U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program, Global Energy and Water Exchanges Program). In such cases the U.S. CLIVAR Project Office (USCPO) should be consulted regarding programmatic cooperation.

Electronic copies of a prospectus should be submitted to USCPO (uscpo [at] in .doc format.

No exceptions will be made for submissions made after the deadline. The Scientific Steering Committee will then consider the requests received and, in consultation with the USCPO and the Inter-Agency Group, will respond as rapidly as possible to facilitate the initiation of the approved WGs by January 2018. Unless otherwise justified, the start date for new WG activities will be January 2, 2018. Working Groups should plan to complete their tasks between December 2019 and 2020.

Prospectus submission deadline: 12 October 2017

For the complete call for Working Groups prospectuses, go to:… (PDF - 169 KB)

To access a template for a new WG prospectus, go to:

For questions or to submit a prospectus, contact:
U.S. CLIVAR Project Office
Email: uscpo [at]