
Request for Information
Mid-scale Research Infrastructure
National Science Foundation

Request for Information deadline: 8 December 2017

For more information and to view the complete Request for Information, go to:

NSF has issued a Request for Information (RFI) in an Oct. 6 Dear Colleague Letter to assess the science and engineering community's needs for mid-scale research infrastructure. The information will be used to develop an infrastructure strategy, in accordance with the American Innovation and Competitiveness Act (AICA).

For the purposes of this RFI, NSF defines Research Infrastructure (RI) as any combination of facilities, equipment, instrumentation, computational hardware and software, and the necessary human capital in support of the same. This includes upgrades to existing major research facilities.

Researchers, users, and leaders at U.S.-based colleges and universities as well as non-profits who are well positioned to advance and support a mid-scale project throughout its lifecycle are encouraged to respond.

The RFI focuses on mid-scale research infrastructure projects with an anticipated NSF contribution of between $20 million and $100 million towards construction and/or acquisition.

The AICA requires NSF to "evaluate the existing and future needs, across all disciplines supported by the Foundation, for mid-scale projects" and "develop a strategy to address the needs."

After the submission period ends, and the information is analyzed, NSF will summarize the high-level insights drawn from this analysis for the science community and internal NSF use.

PLEASE NOTE: funding for mid-scale RI projects in this range of investment has not been identified; nor does this RFI imply an intent on the part of NSF to issue a call for proposals. In addition, responses to this RFI do not constitute any commitment on behalf of the submitters or their institutions to submit a proposal or carry out an RI project.

For more information and to view the complete Request for Information, go to: