
Call for Input
Advisory Committee for Environmental Research and Education
National Science Foundation

Input submission deadline: 5:00 p.m., 20 August 2018

For more information and to read the associated Dear Colleague Letter, go to:

To submit input, go to:

For questions, contact:
Anthony Janetos
Email: ajanetos [at]

Leah Nichols
Email: lenichol [at]

The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Advisory Committee for Environmental Research and Education (AC ERE) invites input on possible environmental research and education directions to further advance national security and economic competitiveness.

The Committee has been interested in fundamental environmental research and education that also has societal utility. It has recently focused its attention on two major topics where there is broad consensus on the importance of the research to date, but where significant research questions remain. These topics are at the nexus of environmental science and engineering with economic growth and competitiveness, and the relationship of environmental factors to national and human security.

The Committee is particularly interested in approaches that promote convergent research across disciplines and sectors to address economic competitiveness and economic security.

To identify emerging research questions in these areas, the committee is reaching out to interested and knowledgeable members of the scientific community in all disciplines and interdisciplinary areas. Also of interest are views from professionals who are directly involved in decision-making or operational activities in these areas, and who therefore can provide a very practical perspective on high-priority research and education topics.

Input submission deadline: 5:00 p.m., 20 August 2018

For more information and to read the associated Dear Colleague Letter, go to:

To submit input, go to:

For questions, contact:
Anthony Janetos
Email: ajanetos [at]

Leah Nichols
Email: lenichol [at]