
Call for AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts
Sea Ice Change and Variability: Implications for the Biophysical Climate Systems of the Arctic, Antarctic, and Beyond

7-11 December 2020
San Francisco, California/online

Abstract submission deadline: 29 July 2020

For more information about the meeting, go to:

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is currently accepting abstract submissions for the 2020 Fall Meeting. The meeting will be held 7-11 December 2020 in San Francisco, California and/or online.

Conveners of the following session invite abstract submissions:

Sea Ice Change and Variability: Implications for the Biophysical Climate Systems of the Arctic, Antarctic, and Beyond
Conveners: Michael Steele, Marilyn N. Raphael, Laura Castro de la Guardia, and Amy Solomon

Seasonal sea ice coverage is changing rapidly in recent years, most notably in the Arctic but more recently in the Antarctic as well. These changes, in addition to natural variability, both affect and respond to all aspects of the biophysical climate system. The transition from ice-covered to open water allows for altered air-sea exchange of momentum, heat, light, freshwater, and gas, as well as enhanced surface waves, changes in the planktonic ecosystem, and shifts in migration patterns. In this session, conveners focus on natural variability and long-term changes in the Arctic and Antarctic seasonal and marginal ice zones. Conveners solicit observational, theoretical, and numerical investigations that address variability and change and encourage studies that connect sea ice change in the Arctic and Southern Oceans to at least one other component of the biophysical marine and terrestrial systems, both locally and beyond to lower latitudes.

To submit an abstract to this session, go to: