
Position Available
Research Physical Scientist
Coupled Ocean-Ice-Land- Atmosphere Modeling

NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory
Boulder, Colorado

Application deadline: 20 June 2024

For more information and to apply, go to:

The NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory invites applications for a Research Physical Scientist in coupled ocean-ice-land atmosphere modeling. This permanent position will be located in Boulder, Colorado.

The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and testing regional coupled applications of NOAA’s Unified Forecast System, and in collaboration with other scientists, integrating cutting-edge research on the representation of physical processes into these applications.

The initial focus will be on developing a high-resolution regional application over the Arctic focused on coupled sea-ice/ocean/atmosphere forecast applications. Other applications include high-resolution coupled ocean/atmosphere predictions of atmospheric rivers for West Coast precipitation and boundary layer winds for offshore wind energy.

Applicants must be U.S. Citizens.

Application deadline: 20 June 2024

For more information and to apply, go to:

For questions, contact:
Christopher Cox
Email: christopher.j.cox [at]

Jeffrey Whitaker
Email: jeffrey.s.whitaker [at]