
Call for Session Abstracts
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2024

9-13 December 2024
Washington, D.C.

Abstract submission deadline: 31 July 2024

For more information about the meeting, go to:

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is accepting abstracts for the 2024 AGU Fall Meeting. This hybrid meeting will take place 9-13 December 2024 in Washington, D.C. and online.

The following session is accepting abstracts:

SESSION PP033: The Deglacial Carbon Cycle: reconciling greenhouse gas records with marine and terrestrial data
Conveners: Sam Mark, Kathleen Wendt, and Thomas Ronge

Ice cores clearly show a substantial and rapid rise in atmospheric CO2 and CH4 associated with the end of the Pleistocene and beginning of the Holocene. Ventilation of carbon dioxide from the Southern Ocean, tropical and mid-latitude wetland production of methane, respiration of previously frozen carbon in permafrost, and geologic emissions have all been investigated as potential sources of carbon to the atmosphere. This session will highlight new research devoted to disentangling the complex and overlapping factors which contributed to global carbon cycle changes during the last deglaciation. Conveners invite contributions which investigate deglacial carbon cycle processes recorded in proxies as well as numerical modeling and data compilations. Contributions which stimulate collaboration and discussion between researchers in the marine, terrestrial and polar realms are particularly encouraged.

To submit an abstract to this session, go to: