The following Bering Ecosystem Study (BEST) awards have been made through NSF solicitations 05-618 and 07-533.

The Role of Ice Melting in Providing Available Iron to the Surface Water of the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf

Award Number: 0612538
Principal Investigator: Jingfeng Wu, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Award Amount: $273,098

Project overview on NSF website.

Denitrification and Global Change in Bering Sea Shelf Sediments

Award Number: 0612436
Principal Investigator: Allan Devol, University of Washington
Award Amount: $498,572

Project overview on NSF website.

Award Number: 0612380
Principal Investigator: David Shull, Western Washington University
Award Amount: $367,764

Project overview on NSF website.

Nitrogen Supply for New Production and its Relation to Climatic Conditions on the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf

Award Number: 0612427
Principal Investigator: Raymond Sambrotto, Columbia University
Award Amount: $1,075,009

Project overview on NSF website.

Award Number: 0612198
Principal Investigator: Daniel Sigman, Princeton University
Award Amount: $466,135

Project overview on NSF website.

The Impact of Changes in Sea Ice on the Physical Forcings of the Eastern Bering Ecosystem: Retrospective Investigation and Future Projection

Award Number: 0611967
Principal Investigator: Jinlun Zhang, University of Washington
Co-Principal Investigator: Rebecca Woodgate, University of Washington
Award Amount: $460,127

Project overview on NSF website.

Nelson Island Natural and Cultural Knowledge Project

Award Number: 0611978
Principal Investigator: Mark John, Calista Elders Council
Co-Principal Investigator: Ann Fienup-Riordan, Calista Elders Council
Award Amount: $221,024

Project overview on NSF website.

Impacts of Sea-ice on the Hydrographic Structure, Nutrients, and Mesozooplankton over the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf

Award Number: : 0722448
Principal Investigator: George Hunt, University of Washington
Award Amount: $164,697

Project overview on NSF website.

Bering Ecosystem Study Data Management

Award Number: 0714605
Principal Investigator: James Moore, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Co-Principal Investigator: Gregory Stossmeister, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Award Amount: $224,841

Project overview on NSF website.

Mesozooplankton-microbial food web interactions in a climatically changing sea ice environment

Award Number: 0732301
Principal Investigator: Evelyn Sherr, Oregon State University
Co-Principal Investigator: Barry Sherr, Oregon State University
Award Amount: $227,852

Project overview on NSF website.

Award Number: 0732362
Principal Investigator: Robert Campbell, University of Rhode Island
Award Amount: $119,808

Project overview on NSF website.

Award Number: 0732382
Principal Investigator: Carin Ashjian, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Award Amount: $167,081

Project overview on NSF website.

Stratification on the Bering Shelf and its consequences for nutrients and the ecosystem: The effects of ice and coastal water advection

Award Number: 0732428
Principal Investigator: Knut Aagaard, University of Washington
Award Amount: $132,642

Project overview on NSF website.

Award Number: 0732771
Principal Investigator: Thomas Weingartner, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Award Amount: $251,492

Project overview on NSF website.

The Trophic Role of Euphausiids in the eastern Bering Sea: Ecosystem Responses to Changing Sea-ice Conditions

Award Number: 0732389
Principal Investigator: Evelyn Lessard, University of Washington
Award Amount: $157,374

Project overview on NSF website.

Award Number: 0732667
Principal Investigator: H. Harvey, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences
Award Amount: $189,279

Project overview on NSF website.

A Service Proposal to Examine Impacts of Sea-ice on Hydrographic Structure and Nutrients over the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf

Award Number: 0732430
Principal Investigator: Rolf Sonnerup, University of Washington
Co-Principal Investigator: Calvin Mordy, University of Washington
Award Amount: $238,312

Project overview on NSF website.

Award Number: 0732772
Principal Investigator: Terry Whitledge, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Award Amount: $47,999

Project overview on NSF website.

A Service Proposal to Examine Hydrographic Structure and Nutrients over the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf During Summer

Award Number: 0732640
Principal Investigator: Rolf Sonnerup, University of Washington
Co-Principal Investigator: Calvin Mordy, University of Washington
Award Amount: $136,510

Project overview on NSF website.

Award Number: 0732773
Principal Investigator: Terry Whitledge, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Award Amount: $24,930

Project overview on NSF website.

BEST: Sea Ice algae, a major food source for herbivorous plankton and benthos in the eastern Bering Sea

Award Number: 0732767
Principal Investigator: Rolf Gradinger, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Co-Principal Investigator: Katrin Iken, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Co-Principal Investigator: Bodil Bluhm, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Award Amount: $283,502

Project overview on NSF website.

Downscaling global climate projections to the ecosystems of the Bering Sea with nested biophysical models

Award Number: 0732534
Principal Investigator: Nicholas Bond, University of Washington
Co-Principal Investigator: Albert Hermann, University of Washington
Award Amount: $178,203

Project overview on NSF website.

Award Number: 0732431
Principal Investigator: Enrique Curchitser, Rutgers University
Award Amount: $51,639

Project overview on NSF website.

Award Number: 0732538
Principal Investigator: Katherine Hedstrom, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Co-Principal Investigator: Georgina Gibson, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Award Amount: $27,935

Project overview on NSF website.

The Impact of Changes in Sea Ice Extent on Primary Production, Phytoplankton Community Structure, and Export in the eastern Bering Sea

Award Number: 0732680
Principal Investigator: S. Bradley Moran, University of Rhode Island
Award Amount: $107,642

Project overview on NSF website.

Award Number: 0732359
Principal Investigator: Michael Lomas, Bermuda Biological Station For Research
Award Amount: $89,176

Project overview on NSF website.

BEST: Benthic Ecosystem Response to Changing Ice Cover in the Bering Sea

Award Number: 0732668
Principal Investigator: Jacqueline Grebmeier, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Co-Principal Investigator: Lee Cooper, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Award Amount: $151,611

Project overview on NSF website.