Event Type
Conferences and Workshops
Event Dates
2014-10-13 - 2014-10-16
Portland, Oregon

This workshop will bring together data collectors and modelers working on reconstructions of climate, ice, atmosphere, and ocean variability of the past 11,500 years. The objectives of the workshop are threefold: bring together key personnel working on the Holocene epoch to discuss and identify the past, present, and future directions of research on this interval; establish collaborations and networking amongst the various groups to facilitate future and ongoing research plans; and to develop a data-model synthesis for the Holocene that will guide future research in the area and be published in a major research journal.

In addition, the Holocene is one of four themes for the 2nd Focus group under the PAGES Science Structure. Another workshop objective will be to explore whether to establish one, or possibly two, new PAGES working groups that will fall under the Holocene Theme and overlap, but not conflict, with the Last 2 Millennia network. The group discussion and recommendations will be disseminated to the PAGES community in our workshop reports.

Abstract submissions will be accepted from early May to June 21th, and a link to the abstract submission page will be made available on the website homepage. We seek abstracts and contributors working on Holocene ice, ocean, and climate reconstructions and complementary modeling efforts. Abstracts and presenters that place their work into a global or regional framework will be favored, as will contributions from early career scientists (PhD, Postdoc, new Assistant Professors).

Because of the small venue, the number of participants will be limited to 30-40 people. Acceptance to the workshop will be based upon the aforementioned criteria as well as the committee chairs’ and organizing committees’ charge to provide a balanced meeting where multiple scientific groups are represented.

Those invited to the meeting will be notified no later than July 1st, and will be expected to register for the meeting no later than July 15th. The costs of registration will be made available in June, but pending funding we anticipate sponsoring most of the meeting costs, as well as some travel costs to the meeting.

Further details will be posted on the workshop homepage.