with focus on ice mass loss at fronts of tidewater glaciers in Pan-Arctic scale

Event Dates

The seminar will be hosted and financially supported by the Centre for Polar Studies - University of Silesia and Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland under the umbrella and with support of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), through its Network on Arctic Glaciology, and the Committee of Polar Research Polish Academy of Sciences.

It will take place in the seaside resort Sopot, Poland, 15 - 17 October 2016.

The purpose of the meeting:

  • Assess the current knowledge on ice mass loss at fronts of Arctic tidewater glaciers
  • Provide a consistent description of methodologies and terminologies so that inter-comparison between Arctic regions will be more feasible
  • Consider estimation of discharge for regions where they currently do not exist
  • Assess the importance of frontal mass loss for the general mass budget of glaciers in different Arctic regions


The seminar will bring together invited experts on Arctic calving glaciers and mass balance (ca. 20 people) and is open to everyone interested in these issues. The total number of participants is limited to 40 persons.

Four - five working session are planned with 1-2 invited introductory talks and longer time slot for discussion during each. Uninvited presentations are not expected. Nevertheless, brief interventions on methods and regional data/results (up to 5 min.) could be possible.

Expected seminar outcome:

A report with recommendations for further coordinated activity and sketch of an overview paper(s) on already gained knowledge on frontal ablation and dynamic discharge of mass as a part of mass balance of Arctic glaciers.

Registration deadline is September 15, 2016

Everyone intending to attend the seminar is asked to submit short (maximum 300 words) motivation letter by email:
Jacek Jania
jam.jania [at] gmail.com

For more information please follow the link above.