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The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) Council 2020/21 are working on a project to synthesise and review the applications of Satellite Remote Sensing across the Polar sciences. Our goal is to develop a database and accompanying document that summarises key information about satellite platforms, including (but not limited to): technical characteristics, applications in Polar science, data accessibility and processing requirements.

The motivation behind this project was to create a resource which could be used by the Polar community to inform their research, to be used in teaching and to help improve the understanding and awareness of Satellite Remote Sensing in Polar science. The APECS Remote Sensing Database Project group came together to tackle this challenge head on and build a resource that will be beneficial to the whole community.

For this resource to be as effective as possible, we would like to obtain input from the Polar and Cryosphere community (here, we define the "Polar and Cryosphere community" as anyone studying in one of the three Poles (the Arctic, Antarctic or the Himalayan region), or across the alpine cryosphere). On this basis we would like to ask you to fill out this short survey which we have prepared.

The survey is short (~10 mins to complete) and is designed to obtain information about the satellite-based instruments you are using in your research, the applications of these data sets and other technical characteristics (e.g. processing software). We will collate this information and summarise it within our database and accompanying document.

The deadline for completing the survey is 8th March 2021.