Event Type
Webinars and Virtual Events
Event Dates
2021-09-29 - 2021-10-01

Please register by September 10th at https://forms.gle/BZKRXLpVfpJzSuL78

The Rising Voices program facilitates intercultural, relational-based approaches for understanding and adapting to extreme weather and climate events, climate variability and climate change. The program brings Indigenous and other scientific professionals, tribal and community leaders, environmental and communication experts, students, educators, and artists from across the United States, including Alaska, Hawai'i, the Pacific and Caribbean Islands, and around the world, to assess critical community needs and to pursue joint research aimed at developing optimal plans for community action towards sustainability. Rising Voices acknowledges the inherent value of Indigenous knowledge systems and Indigenous science, adaptive practices and processes, honoring them equally with Earth sciences.

At its core, Rising Voices aims to advance science through collaborations that bring Indigenous and Earth (atmospheric, social, biological, ecological) sciences into partnership, supports adaptive and resilient communities through sharing scientific capacity, and provides opportunities for Indigenous students and early career scientists through scientific and community mentoring. Further, it helps Western-trained scientists expand their observational skills, research paradigms, capacity to apply and translate findings, and ultimately their science.

The program - through an annual workshop series, knowledge exchanges, trainings, and an active listserv - has facilitated the creation of new and continued intercultural adaptation partnerships based on respect, justice, equality, and reciprocity that address our changing climate.

The Rising Voices Center for Indigenous and Earth Sciences is offering three $5,000 awards to launch small-scale but impactful projects OR to support the time and effort to write a proposal for a large-scale project. Applications must demonstrate how the proposed work will bring together Indigenous and Earth sciences to address pressing community-driven research and action. Successful applications will support projects to begin around July 20, 2021 and conclude around November 20, 2021. For more information, please see the Request for Proposals announcement and the application form.

Please follow the link above for more information.