Event Type

Environmental Security: Weather, Water, and Climate for a More Secure World

Event Dates

The 102nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting will take place from 23 to 27 January, 2022 in Houston, Texas.

The theme for this 102nd Annual Meeting: “Environmental Security: Weather, water, and climate for a more secure world” has come together thanks to the hard work of the Overall Planning Committee, John Lanicci and Gina Eosco (co-chairs), Andrea Bleistein, Roger Pulwarty, and Eileen Shea.

The Overall Planning Committee and Program Chairs seek input from our community when setting the scientific and technical program. Please provide your input by submitting a Session Topic Proposal by 1 April. Submitters will be notified a few weeks later regarding the acceptance status of Topic Proposals. Your User Portal provides a list of entries/submissions (such as topics or abstracts you have submitted) OR on which you are the presenting author. Please refer to the guidelines before submitting a Topic Proposal.

We are closely monitoring the impact of COVID-19 on our in-person attendance and are reviewing options for virtual components of the meeting. We encourage you to visit the 102nd AMS Annual Meeting FAQ and website often to stay up to date on the latest news.

Abstract deadline extended to 8 September, 2021.