Event Type
Webinars and Virtual Events

Speaking: Jessica N. Cross, Ph.D., NOAA OAR

Event Dates
Online: 11:30 am - 12:00 pm AKDT, 3:30-4:00 pm EDT

Part of the NOAA in Alaska and the Arctic seminar series hosted by NOAA NCEI Regional Climate Services Director, Alaska Region.

Remote Access

Please register for NOAA in Alaska and the Arctic seminar series September 14, 2021 at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/36713110240989963

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Over the last decade, ocean acidification (OA) has emerged as one of the most prominent issues in Alaskan marine research, and a possible threat to culturally and commercially important marine resources. Multiple communities around the state are now engaged in their own OA studies and monitoring, and are asking a common question: what risks does my region face? These are especially salient questions for Alaskans, given that the intensity, duration and extent of OA events have been greater than other ocean basins. Given the pace of the observed changes due to OA around Alaska, the area is commonly referred to as a bellwether and the proverbial canary in the coal mine for the rest of the global ocean. Here, we will take a look back at the last ten years of OA research in the Bering Sea and the Arctic, and highlight new, cutting-edge biogeochemical modeling, forecasting, and projection efforts that have dramatically increased our capacity to understand Alaskan OA from a large-scale perspective. Our goal is to continue refining our capacity to identify new risks and emerging resilience of Alaskan ecosystems, and guide sound, evidence-based adaptation and mitigation decisions that support sustainable marine resources in the future.


My current research focuses on carbon biogeochemistry and ocean acidification in Arctic regions, and especially along the Alaskan coast. The main goal is to better understand how acidification processes interact with natural biogeochemical cycles, and eventually to detect impacts of acidification and opportunities for adaptation and mitigation in marine systems. I conduct research across a variety of platforms, including ship-based measurements, moorings, and mobile autonomous platforms like gliders and drones. I also broadly participate in the Arctic research community through the North American Carbon Program, the Ocean Carbon Biogeochemistry Program, the Pacific Arctic Group, and the Interagency Research Policy Committee collaboration teams.