Event Type
Conferences and Workshops
Event Dates
2022-10-31 - 2022-11-04
Reading, United Kingdom and Online

The WCRP Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE) organises a hybrid workshop on systematic errors in weather and climate models, hosted by the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).

The workshop brings together a wide range of experts on simulating the Earth System including atmosphere, ocean, waves, land-surface, atmospheric composition, and associated disciplines to advance the understanding of systematic simulation errors at all timescales. A particular emphasis is given to identifying errors in complex coupled systems and to understand their root causes. Progress in diagnosing and addressing systematic errors using a wide range of tools ranging from classical methods to advanced technologies such as data assimilation and machine learning / AI will be documented. The workshop will encourage an active discussion on relative merits of active development of physical models and parametrisations to address systematic errors versus bias correction methods.

The workshop will review recent progress made on the atmospheric systematic error priorities identified from the 5th Workshop on Systematic Errors, while also expanding focus to coupled systems. The workshop will be broadly organized around the following themes:

  • Clouds and precipitation
  • Atmosphere-land-ocean-cryosphere interactions
  • (sub-)tropical circulations
  • Stratosphere-Troposphere interactions
  • Machine learning/AI and data assimilation
  • Quantifying uncertainty
  • Challenges and surprises in simulating the climate system


The format of the workshop will facilitate online and physical participation and follows the previous successful workshop in Montreal in 2017.

  • To participate in this workshop, it is necessary to submit an abstract, and for that abstract to be accepted.
  • Assuming there are no social distancing measures in place, the meeting can accommodate 120 physical participants. There is no limitation to the number of online participants.
  • There will be a single session of oral presentations (no parallel sessions) from selected abstracts plus keynote talks of solicited speakers.
  • The majority of presentations will be in the form of posters which can be discussed in dedicated online rooms and dedicated physical sessions.
  • The workshop science steering committee will review and decide on acceptance.