Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts
University of California, Berkeley


Berkeley , California 94720
United States


Peter Larsen is a Research Scientist in the Electricity Markets and Policy Group at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Peter conducts research and analysis on electricity reliability and resiliency, energy efficiency, and regional electric system planning including: Energy Services Company Industry and Market Trends; Utility Resource Planning Practices and Trends; Western Electricity and Natural Gas Markets; Societal Impacts from Abnormal Weather; and the Reliability of the U.S. Power System.

Peter has published his research in a number of reports, book chapters, and peer-reviewed journals including Global Environmental Change, Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Energy Policy, and The Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Previously, Peter worked at the Institute of Social and Economic Research in Anchorage, Alaska, the Societal Impacts Program at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and Stratus Consulting (now Abt Associates).

Peter holds a Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University; M.S. degrees from Stanford University (Management Science and Engineering) and Cornell University (Natural Resource Economics); and a B.A. in Economics from the University of Montana at Missoula.

Science Specialties

Energy and natural resource economics, climate change, infrastructure, isolated power systems

Current Research

Risk to Arctic infrastructure from climate change, sustainable energy systems for remote/isolated Arctic communities, and many other topics.