School of Informatics & Computing
Northern Arizona University


Flagstaff , Arizona 86011
United States


Dr. Goetz’s research focuses on ecosystem responses to environmental change, including monitoring and modeling the interactions between forests, climate and disturbance. He is Professor at Northern Arizona University and maintains a distinguished visiting scientist position at the Woods Hole Research Center, and an adjunct faculty position at the University of Maryland. He has authored more than 150 refereed publications, is the science lead of NASA’s Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment, and the Deputy PI of NASA’s Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation. His current service activities include the National Academy of Sciences Decadal Survey of Earth Science and Applications from Space, and the Editorial Boards of Remote Sensing of Environment and Environmental Research Letters.

Science Specialties

arctic boreal vulnerability, remote sensing, terrestrial ecosystems, permafrost

Current Research

Remote sensing of vegetation change, primary production, permafrost landscapes.