Institute of Arctic Biology - Toolik Field Station
University of Alaska Fairbanks


Fairbanks , Alaska 99775
United States


Michael Abels is field operations manager for the Institute of Arctic Biology. He has been affiliated with the institute for the past 40 years starting as a student science support technician, logistics assistant, assistant operations manager and field camp manager. Abels currently has management oversight for the Fairbanks Logistics Office, GIS Office, Toolik Field Station (TFS) and is a Co-Principal Investigator on the Toolik Base Funding Cooperative Agreement between UAF and the National Science Foundation which provides three million dollars of annual support. Abels was a lead author for the TFS facility development plan. He has served on the design teams for all major Toolik facility upgrades. Abels was presented with the University of Alaska Merit Award (1989)
and UAF Chancellor’s Medal Outstanding Leadership (1977).

Science Specialties

logistics, science management, hazardous materials management, field safety

Current Research

Cold climate logistic support. Field site emergency management planning. Hazardous materials management. Toolik Field Station operations and management.