The links below may be relevant to researchers looking for opportunities to build relationships with Alaska Native communities and organizations.

ARCUS "Conducting Research with Northern Communities" Resource Directory

The ARCUS resource directory linked below provides a large collection of helpful resources (e.g. documents, recorded presentations, and other online compilations) that provide insights & best practices for researchers working with Alaska Native and Arctic Indigenous communities.

Alaska Native Organizations

The first link below contains a wealth of information on each of the Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Non-Profit Organizations, as well as links to Village Corporations and Tribes. It also provides access to the Alaska Community Database, which includes community-focused “storymaps”.

Events to Connect w/ Alaska Native Community Members & Organizations

The conferences and events linked below represent some of the venues that convene Alaska Native community members, regional corporations, and non-profit organizations.

Networks/Groups/Organizations Connecting Arctic Research & Alaska Native Communities

The networks, groups, and organizations listed below identify some of the many efforts that exist to build stronger linkages between Arctic researchers and Alaska Native community partners. This list is far from comprehensive, but is a helpful start for researchers who are looking to identify and connect with potential partners.