Event Dates
Loughborough, United Kingdom

This three day conference brings together UK Arctic scientists from all natural and social science disciplines to present and discuss recent findings.

Registration for this interdisciplinary conference is free, and the themes of the conference include: Atmosphere, Cryosphere, Terrestrial

Presenters: Sinéad L. Farrell, University of Maryland

Event Dates
Online: 7:30-8:30am AKDT, 11:30am-12:30pm EDT


One of the most striking, and widely publicized, environmental changes underway in the Earth system is the disappearance of the Arctic sea ice cover. Since sea ice is a key component of the climate system, its ongoing loss has serious, and wide-ranging, socio-economic

Event Dates

Organizers are currently accepting abstract submissions for the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020. This meeting will convene 16-21 February 2020 in San Diego, California.

The Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) is the flagship conference for the ocean sciences and the larger ocean-connected community. As

Event Dates
The Queen’s College, Oxford, United Kingdom

FRISP is an annual meeting to share research related to ice shelves, and their interactions with the ice sheet, ocean, and atmosphere. It is an Expert Group of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), and has organised regular meetings in Europe since 1984. FRISP is an appropriate

Event Dates
Hawai’i Convention Center in Honolulu, Hawai’i

As part of the decadal conference series, OceanObs’19 will galvanize the ocean observing community ranging from scientists to end users. OceanObs’19 seeks to improve response to scientific and societal needs of a fit-for-purpose integrated ocean observing system, for better understanding the

Webinar Presenter: Pablo Ortega, Earth Science Department, Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Event Dates
Online: 8:00-9:00 am AKDT, 12:00-1:00 pm EDT

The Sea Ice Prediction Network – Phase 2 (SIPN2) invites registration for an open webinar entitled An Overview of European Union-Funded Project APPLICATE featuring Pablo Ortega, Earth Science Department, Barcelona Supercomputing Center.

This webinar will be presented by Pablo Ortega, who is

Event Dates
Charlottesville, Virginia

The University of Virginia (UVA) in Charlottesville, VA is hosting a conference and workshop entitled “Bridging Science, Art, and Community in the New Arctic”, sponsored by the NSF Navigating the New Arctic program, with additional support from UVA’s Institute for Humanities and Global Cultures, and

Our Climate - Our Future: Regional Perspectives on a Global Challenge

Event Dates
Berlin, Germany

The Helmholtz Climate Initiative 'Regionale Climate Change' (REKLIM) takes the pleasure to welcome you to the 2nd International Conference "Our Climate - Our Future: Regional Perspectives on a Global Challenge“.

REKLIM warmly welcomes researchers over the globe to take part in the conference

Event Dates
Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada

Registration and abstract submission is now open for a workshop on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment, Ice Sheets, and Sea-level Change – Observations, Analysis, and Modelling.

Conveners: Thomas James, Natalya Gomez, Matt King, Shawn Marshall, Glenn Milne, and Pippa Whitehouse.

The workshop

Today’s Progress and Tomorrow’s Climate Challenges

Event Dates
Mercure Hotel Berlin Tempelhof, Berlin, Germany

On Tremendous success of our Climate Change 2018, 2nd World Congress on Climate Change will take place in the gorgeous city of Berlin, Germany during Septmber 26-28, 2019 and the theme of the conference is “Today’s Progress and Tomorrow’s Climate Challenges.”

A special invitation is extended to

Mastering the Marine Science through Technology

Event Dates
London, United Kingdom

Euroscicon Ltd. offers all the participants from all over the Globe to attend the 13th International Conference on Oceanography & Marine Biology. It includes prompt Keynote presentations, Speaker presentations (Academic and Young research forum), Poster presentations and Exhibitions. This is going

Speaking: Rick Thoman, Alaska Center for Climate Assessment & Policy (ACCAP)

Event Dates
University of Alaska Fairbanks, or online: 12:00pm AKDT, 4:00pm EDT

The tools and techniques for making monthly and season scale climate forecasts are rapidly changing, with the potential to provide useful forecasts at the month and longer range. We will review recent climate conditions around Alaska, review some forecast tools and finish up the Climate Prediction

Event Dates
Copenhagen, Denmark

Ice drills are crucial to access ice for climate research and other studies of the water and basal conditions under glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets. The ice related research especially related to understand the past and present climate will improve our ability to predict the impacts under future

Connecting Science and Communities

Event Dates

Organizers invite abstracts for poster and an oral presentations for the Greenland Science Week. The theme of the conference will be Connecting Science and Communities, and will convene 1-5 December 2019 in Nuuk, Greenland.

Greenland Science Week builds bridges between science and the

Event Dates

The next SnowHydro Conference will be held in Bolzano, Italy from 28th to 31st January, 2020.

Snow is an important component of the hydrologic cycle. The seasonal storage of water in the snowpack may last over months, and its delayed release is a major factor in guaranteeing a reliable water

Event Dates

The 9th Workshop on Remote Sensing of Land Ice and Snow of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) will be held at the Institute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland, from 03 - 05 February 2020.

The cryosphere of the Earth is undergoing dramatic changes

Event Dates
Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC, and online: 9:00am - 12:00pm EDT

The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is the leading global body on climate science. On September 25, it will release its first-ever Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate. More than 100 scientists from 80 countries assessed the latest scientific

Speaker: Donald Perovich, Professor, Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth

Event Dates
Haldeman 41 (Kreindler Conference Hall), Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire: 4:30-6:00pm

Dr. Perovich's research interest is understanding the Arctic system and its role in global climate change. The central focus of his research is simple to state: where does all the sunlight go? More precisely, how does the incident solar radiation interact with sea ice and snow? This simple statement

Event Dates
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

The Inuit Studies Conference (ISC) is a multidisciplinary and international conference that brings together university researchers and students, as well as professionals, directors, teachers, decision-makers, etc. from Inuit organizations, institutions, and governments. It is the largest academic

Event Dates
Umeå, Sweden

The European Commission, the European External Action Service, and the Government of Sweden will jointly organize a high-level EU Arctic Forum in Umeå, Sweden.

High Representative/Vice President Federica Mogherini, Commissioner Karmenu Vella, and the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot