Event Dates
Brno, Czechia and Online

For the 7th time, the Students in Polar and Alpine Research Conference will be held at the Department of Geography, Masaryk University, in Brno, Czechia.

We are aware of the current COVID-19 situation complicating the international travels, therefore the entire conference will be virtually

Event Dates
Hotel Captain Cook, Anchorage Alaska

In partnership with HQ USCG Director of Maritime Transportation Systems and Senior Arctic Policy Advisor, are creating a tabletop exercise organized to address policy, plans and initiatives to support HQ USCG and the Coast Guard Enterprise in addressing the 2019 USCG Arctic Strategic Outlook (ArcSO)

Event Dates
Online: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm AKDT, 2:00-4:00 pm EDT

This virtual gathering will focus on the the state of NNA research field-season planning and community-based activities to discuss common concerns, coordination, and approaches for organizing, sharing and disseminating NNA field-season plans with Arctic communities, Indigenous and Tribal

Iceland, Greenland, and North America – Investment and Trade Opportunities

Event Dates
Online: 7:00-9:00 am AKDT, 11:00 am -1:00 pm EDT

This conference will discuss Iceland's chairmanship of the Arctic Council in 2019-2021, the Greenland and Iceland in the New Arctic Report published in January 2021 by the Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs, investment opportunities between and within Iceland and Greenland as it relates to

Early Career Researchers and the future of UK Polar Science

Event Dates

Contact: polarecc at polarnetwork.org

Abstract deadline: Friday 19th March 2021.

We invite Early Career Researchers (ECRs) to present their Polar research in a friendly environment. We also invite anyone, of any academic or professional background, who is curious or passionate about

Speaking: Mickey MacKie, Stanford Radio Glaciology, Emma Pearce, University of Leeds, Nico Stoll, Alfred Wegener Institute Bremerhaven

Event Dates
Online: 12:00 pm AKDT, 4:00 pm EDT

International Glaciological Society Global Seminar:


- (Emma) Mickey MacKie, Stanford Radio Glaciology, "Simulating Subglacial Greenland with Geostatistics"
- Emma Pearce, University of Leeds, "Full Waveform Inversion for Glaciological Seismic Data; Improving the Seismic

Speaking: Michael A. Palecki, NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information

Event Dates
Online: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm AKDT, 3:00-4:00 pm EDT

The public rollout of a new set of 30-year normals for the United States will take place on May 2021. This presentation will provide background on methodologies used to generate the normals and updates to the largely similar methods used in the 2010 normals processing. Changes in the 1991-2020

Event Dates
Online: 9:00-10:00 am AKDT, 1:00-2:00 pm EDT

The Antarctic Sciences (ANT) and Arctic Sciences (ARC) sections of the Office of Polar Programs (OPP) invite you to two upcoming webinars on the OPP Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (OPP-PRF, NSF 21-575: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21575/nsf21575.htm).

- Thursday, April 22, 2021 from 4

The New Arctic - Science, Technology, Health, Environment, Economy, Geopolitics

Event Dates
Toranomon Hills Forum, Tokyo

Organized in cooperation with the Sasakawa Peace Foundation.

The Arctic Circle Japan Forum will be organized in association with the Third Arctic Science Ministerial Meeting (ASM3), which will be co-hosted by the Icelandic Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, and the Japanese Ministry of

Event Dates
Online: 9:00-11:00 am AKDT, 1:00-3:00 pm EDT

The Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS), the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) Collaborations, and University of California, Irvine invite registration for a virtual Arctic Research Funders Meet and Greet networking event. This event will convene virtually.


North-South Collaborations to Support Low-Impact Arctic Shipping Corridors Decision-making

Event Dates
Online: 8:30 am AKDT, 9:30 PDT, 12:30 pm EDT

This webinar is the second of two webinars exploring topics related to community-driven research carried out under the University of Ottawa-led Arctic Corridors and Northern Voices research project.

This virtual, interactive session focuses on the ‘lessons

Event Dates
Online: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm AKDT, 3:30-5:00 pm EDT

The purpose of the discussion is to gain a diversity of views from current and retired military officers who have unique insights on the emerging defense and security environment across the Trans-Atlantic Arctic region.

How serious and in what ways is the rising Great Power Competition

Event Dates
Online: 8:00-9:30 am AKDT, 12:00-1:30 pm EDT

A new series of Arctic Academic eTalks begins with presentations from Troy Bouffard and Dr.Malgorzata (Gosia) Smieszek and a discussion on the topic of the Russian Chairmanship of the Arctic Council. Mr. Bouffard is the Director of the Center for Arctic Security and Resilience at the University of

Webinar Series: An Anchor Point to a Drifting World!

Event Dates
Online: 12:00-1:30 am AKDT, 4:00-5:30 am EDT, 10:00-11:30 am CEST

This webinar mini series has been initiated by the SIOS remote sensing service as a response to the new challenges posed by COVID-19 and will take place approximately every month.

Several speakers will present recent observations and opportunities in relation to remote sensing platforms

Event Dates
Tokyo, Japan

Note: The 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial was originally scheduled for 21-22 November 2020, but was rescheduled to 08-09 May 2021.


In order to engage with Arctic scientists and knowledge holders on multiple levels, the ASM3 organizers plan to engage researchers at the several

Speaking: Ruth Maclennan, artist and researcher

Event Dates
Online: 7:00 am AKDT, 11:00 am EDT

How are geopolitics and environmental change experienced on the ground? How can you find out, let alone represent those experiences? Ruth Maclennan will discuss her films and other artworks made in and about the Russian Arctic and how they emerge from her research and a kind of fieldwork involving

Speaking: Idowu (Jola) Ajibade, Assistant Professor of Geography, Affiliated Faculty, Black Studies, Portland State University

Event Dates
Online: 12:00-1:00 pm AKDT, 4:00-5:00 pm EDT

Idowu (Jola) Ajibade, Assistant Professor of Geography, Affiliated Faculty, Black Studies, Portland State University

Dr. Idowu (Jola) Ajibade’s research focuses on how individuals, communities, and cities respond to global climate change and their different capacities for adaptation and

Event Dates

Please mark your calendars for the 7th ABoVE Science Team Meeting (ASTM7), to be held virtually May 11th & 13th, 2021. Our notion is for the sessions on Tuesday and Thursday to focus on plans for the field season and airborne remote sensing, presentations from partner organizations, updates from the

Speaking: Aimée Slangen, Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, and Fiamma Straneo, SCRIPPS Institution of Oceanography

Event Dates
Online: 7:00 am AKDT, 11:00 am EDT

The next once-a-month virtual seminar series on Sea Level, GIA and Ice Sheets will be on the theme of "Perspectives from the modern sea level and ice sheet modeling communities".

Aimée Slangen, a researcher at the Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) and a lead author of the IPCC

What’s changing on our lands, what’s driving these changes, and what can we do about it?

Event Dates
Online: 10:00-11:00 am AKDT, 2:00-3:00 pm EDT

Please join us to learn more about the recently released book, Drivers of Landscape Change in the Northwest Boreal Region. This book, co-authored by 65 experts in Alaska and northwest Canada, addresses what is driving change in our lands, waters, and wildlife, and includes impacts, future