At the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting

Event Dates
San Francisco Marriott Marquis - Golden Gate A, San Francisco, California

Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) will hold an open workshop entitled "Navigating the NSF System" during the 2015 American Geophysical Union Fall Meetings in San Francisco.

This workshop is designed to provide information for creating effective submissions to

At the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting

Event Dates
San Francisco, California

Please note the change of date:

Thursday, 17 December 2015
12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

San Francisco Marriott Marquis
2nd floor in Foothill Room E.

This workshop will focus on how SIPN and others who provide data observations can best serve the needs of the forecasting

Event Dates

Polar ICE Science Communication Workshop Series for Polar Scientists
AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting
New Orleans, LA
Sunday, February 21 2016
8am – 4:30pm

Application deadline is Monday, December 21, 2015


Scientists studying the Polar Regions who

Strategies for Strengthening Alaska Native Village Roles in Natural Resource Management

Event Dates
Online: 10:00 a.m. AKST

Water Policy Consulting, LLC; Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP); and tribal environmental and climate change professionals throughout the country are offering the Winter 2015-2016 Policy and Climate Adaptation Mitigation and Planning for Alaska Natives webinars series. The

Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP)

Event Dates
United States

The Department of Defense’s (DoD) Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program(SERDP) is seeking to fund environmental research and development in the Resource Conservation and Climate Change program area. SERDP invests across the broad spectrum of basic and applied research, as well as

Bering Strait Shipping: Sea Ice, Economics, and Governance

Event Dates
Online: 10:00-11:00 a.m. AKST

Alaska Climate Webinar
Bering Strait Shipping: Sea Ice, Economics, and Governance
Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP)

Speaker: Henry Huntington, Pew Charitable Trusts

Commercial vessel traffic through the Bering Strait is expected to increase in the coming years

National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI)

Event Dates
United States

The program provides U.S-based institutions of higher education, not-for-profit museums, science centers and scientific/engineering research organizations with opportunities to acquire major instrumentation that supports the research and research training goals of the organization and that may be

Event Dates
Helsinki, Finland

The meeting will take place on the Kumpula Campus of the University of Helsinki, from 13th to 15th of January, 2016.

The meeting is organised by University of Helsinki, in cooperation with Geological Society of Finland (SGS).

Check the website for more information as it is updated.

Event Dates

Abstracts are currently being accepted for sessions during the 2016 European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly, which will convene 17-22 April 2016 in Vienna, Austria.

Abstract submission deadline for all sessions: Wednesday, 13 January 2016.

Conveners of the following six sessions

A free public symposium on how the Arctic is changing and what it means for people and places around the globe.

Event Dates
Washington, DC

The PRB’s "Arctic Matters" initiative aims to increase public understanding of changes affecting the Arctic region and the many potential impacts of such changes on people and places around the world. We are striving to reach people—across a wide array of governmental, non-profit, private sector

Event Dates

North Pacific Research Board announces the release of the Arctic Program Request for Pre-proposals

North Pacific Research Board is launching an Arctic Integrated Ecosystem Research Program in partnership with several collaborating organizations and agencies. NPRB and funding partners seek to

Event Dates
Seattle, Washington

Hosted by the University of Washington School of Law, the Arctic Encounter will convene its third annual national symposia in Seattle, Washington. Building upon prior Arctic Encounter Seattle (AES) events, this two-day conference will confront the shared interests and concerns of the United States

with Dr. Julie Brigham-Grette

Event Dates
Live (1201 New York Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. Fourth Floor) and Online: 12:00-1:00 p.m. EST

Speaker: Dr. Julie Brigham-Grette
Geosciences Professor at the University of Massachusetts
Chair of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences Polar Research Board

The Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS) announces that the first in a series of open seminars will be held Friday, 15 January

Event Dates
Greenbelt, Maryland

The Science Coordination Office (SCO) for Summit Station and the Greenland Inland Traverse (GrIT) will be sponsoring a workshop on Tues., Jan. 19, 2016, that will focus on Future Research and Station Development Directions on the ice sheet including traverse science and ongoing research at Summit

Event Dates
Herndon, Virginia

Scientific discoveries achieved from, within, and beneath the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, ice caps and valley glaciers are critical to society today, but large group endeavors are not achieved without significant advance planning. What is your vision for future subglacial science? The U.S

Industry and Environment

Event Dates
Tromsø, Norway

The 10th Arctic Frontiers conference will be held in Tromsø, Norway from Sunday 24 January to Friday 29 January 2016. The title for the 2016 conference is Industry and Environment.

The Arctic is a global crossroad between commercial and environmental interests. The region holds substantial

IASC Network on Arctic Glaciology Annual Meeting

Event Dates
Benasque, Spain

Mark the dates in your calendars!

The next Workshop on the Dynamics and Mass Budget of Arctic Glaciers & the IASC Network on Arctic Glaciology Annual Meeting will be held from 25 - 27 January 2016 in Benasque, Spain.

Information, application, program etc will become available on the website of

National Science Foundation Long Term Research in Environmental Biology

Event Dates
United States

The Long Term Research in Environmental Biology program, through the National Science Foundation, addresses a problem faced by many investigators, which is that typical funding awards do not have time frames long enough to address long-term, data-driven research proposals. These awards are designed

Event Dates
Hotel Captain Cook, Anchorage, Alaska

ARCUS Poster

At the Alaska Marine Science Symposium 2016, ARCUS will have a poster on "Collaboration and Understanding in Arctic Marine Ecosystems: Networking Science, Local Communities, Educators, and Stakeholders to Exchange Sea Ice Knowledge".

Monday, 25 January in "Wave 2", 7:15-8:30pm

Event Dates
Hotel Captain Cook, Anchorage, Alaska

The 2016 Alaska Marine Science Symposium begins on Monday, January 25. The morning session will feature the Communicating Ocean Sciences workshop. The daily agenda is available online. The official opening plenary takes place Monday afternoon and includes invited keynote addresses. Poster sessions