Jordan Gerth, University of Wisconsin at Madison

Event Dates
University of Alaska Fairbanks or online: 11:00am-12:00pm AKDT

Following a successful launch, the second new-generation Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, GOES-S, became GOES-17 and is currently in the test position of 89.5 degrees West longitude. This fall, the satellite will begin drifting to its new position at 137 degrees West longitude

Event Dates
University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN

The advent of new, high quality small satellites, and the availability of high-resolution commercial imagery is opening a new era of Arctic science. Every remote corner of the planet now has one foot resolution optical and high quality radar imagery, allowing surface cover and properties relevant to

Event Dates
Hohai University, Nanjing, China

This summer school is aimed at postgraduate students and early career scientists who would like to obtain a solid grounding in polar climate system science, with a particular focus on the atmosphere, ocean and sea ice and their interactions. It will consist of a series of lectures by world-leading

Event Dates
Boulder, Colorado

A number of recent conferences, workshops and meetings have confirmed that there are many national, regional and local projects and programs that are active in polar data management and stewardship and that also have a mandate or desire to contribute to regional or international

Event Dates
Online: 8:00am AKDT, 12:00pm EDT

The Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) Collaborations invites attendance for a webinar titled Science Communication Lightning Talks for Effective Interdisciplinary Arctic Research. This webinar will be held via Zoom Video Conferencing.

Webinar Summary:

To most effectively

Event Dates
Innsbruck, Austria

The OGGM workshop is an annual, informal meeting for developers, users, and future users of the Open Global Glacier Model ( For this third edition, we decided to open the event to the wider community.


This workshop has three main objectives:

1) State of OGGM: the

Integrated Ocean Management in the Arctic

Event Dates
Tromsø, Norway

In recent years with rapid changes of climate and environment in the Arctic region and China’s economic growth, the interaction between China and the Arctic has been increasingly deepened, which calls for a coherent and sustainable development of the Arctic and China.

China-Nordic Arctic

Empowering Arctic Indigenous Scholars and Making Connections: Perspectives from Rosemary Ahtuangaruak of Nuiqsut, Alaska and Theresa Arevgaq John of Nelson Island, Alaska

Event Dates
1201 New York Avenue, NW Washington D.C. and online

Arctic Indigenous Scholars Seminar
Date/Time: Wednesday, 23 May from 12:00-1:30 p.m. ET
Speakers: Rosemary Ahtuangaruak & Theresa Arevgaq John
Seminar Title: "Empowering Arctic Indigenous Scholars and Making Connections: Perspectives from Rosemary Ahtuangaruak of Nuiqsut, Alaska

Event Dates
Potsdam, Germany

The aim of the workshop is to continue strengthening the links between MOSAiC science objectives and the specific plans for observing, modeling, and synthesis activities. The MOSAiC team invites participation from MOSAiC participants, partners, and stakeholders. The registration contains a short

3rd International Conference on Atmospheric Dust

Event Dates
Bari, Italy

The Italian Association for the Study of Clays (AISA) and the Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (IMAA) are pleased to invite you to DUST 2018, the International Conference on Atmospheric Dust. The meeting provides an unique opportunity for mineralogists, physicists, geochemists

Arctic Coastal Environments in Rapid Transition

Event Dates

We are pleased to announce the second field school as a part of the International Partnerships for Excellence in Education and Research (INTPART) project “Arctic Field Summer Schools: Norway-Canada-USA collaboration”. The second field school is organized by the University of Alaska Fairbanks.


30 years of Footsteps in Antarctica: Looking Back and Looking Forward

Event Dates

We are pleased to announce that Korea Polar Research Institute will hold the 24th International Symposium on Polar Sciences.

The King Sejong Station was established and inaugurated on King George Island in February 1988, after the Republic of Korea acceded to the Antarctic Treaty in November 1986

Event Dates
Online: 9:30am AKDT (10:30am PDT, 11:30am MDT, 12:30pm CDT, 1:30pm EDT)

We would like to invite you to a PolarConnect Event (webinar) with teacher Keith Smith and the team studying Chemical Ecology of Shallow Water Marine Communities. Keith will share his experiences working with the researchers at Palmer Station, Antarctica.

You can read more about his experiences

Event Dates
Fairbanks, Alaska

Organizers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) invite registration for Alaska National Lab Day.

During this event, research scientists and lab directors from the 17 U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories will co-lead conversations about cutting-edge research important to Alaska

Event Dates
Washington, D.C. and online: 9:00-11:30 am EDT

Organizers invite participation in a half-day program on EarthScope Transportable Array observations in the Alaskan Arctic.

For those unable to attend in person, this meeting will be available remotely through GoToMeeting ( or
via telephone at +1 571

Polar Regions in Transformation - Climatic Change and Anthropogenic Pressures

Event Dates

The 15th International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium (ICRSS) will take place September 10-14, 2018 in Potsdam, Germany.

Earth's Polar Regions feature cold-climate environments characterized by unique landscapes, biota, and processes. Many of these features and dynamics are Cryosphere

Event Dates

PhD School on Ice Core Techniques (ICAT) 2.0 ECTS is to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark from September 24-29, 2018.

The PhD course is aimed at PhD students and junior postdocs who conduct ice core analysis or are users of ice core data (glaciological, oceanographic, climate modelers, earth

Event Dates

Graduate students associated with University of Washington’s Program on Climate Change are pleased to announce the 12th Annual Graduate Climate Conference (GCC), which will be held November 2-4, 2018 at the University of Washington Pack Forest Conference Center.

The GCC is an interdisciplinary

Event Dates
Buffalo, New York

The International Glaciological Society will hold an International Symposium on ‘Timescales, Processes and Glacier Dynamics’ in 2018. The symposium will be held at the Lafayette Hotel in downtown Buffalo, New York.


The physical processes controlling glacier dynamics form the basis of

Story Keeping and the Story Bundle

Event Dates
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Carleton University’s Institute on the Ethics of Research with Indigenous People (CUIERIP) will hold its 5th annual week-long summer program. It is a six-day immersive experience devoted to learning about good practices in ethical research with First Nations, Metis and Inuit communities.