Displaying 1941 - 1950 of 4129

Speakers: Gay Sheffield (Sea Grant), Donna Hauser (IARC), Rick Thoman (ACCAP)

Event Dates
Online or In-person at University of Alaska Fairbanks, Akasofu/IARC 407: 10:00-11:00am AKST, 2:00-3:00pm EST

Summer 2019 was another remarkable year for the Bering and Chukchi Sea regions, with record early sea ice loss in the spring, very warm oceans and late freeze-up producing wide ranging impacts, from the ocean food web to individual and community activities. This webinar will provide an overview of

Event Dates
Halifax Convention Centre, Nova Scotia, Canada

An Invitation to Arctic and Northern Researchers, Indigenous peoples, Stakeholders, and all levels of Community and Government Decision-makers.

Canada’s North is experiencing unprecedented change in its sea and terrestrial ice, permafrost and ecosystems under the triple pressures of climate

Connecting Science and Communities

Event Dates
Nuuk, Greenland

We would like to welcome you to the Greenland Science Week – a Greenlandic Arctic Science conference surrounded by research-related workshops and public outreach.

Greenland Science Week builds bridges between science and the Greenlandic society, business community and government, and creates a

Event Dates
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

The Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (University of Tasmania, Australia) is proud to join the Polar Law Institute (University of Akureyri, Iceland), the Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law – Arctic Centre (University of Lapland, Finland), the University of the Arctic and

Event Dates

The Government of Iceland in collaboration with the Nordic Council of Ministers is hosting an International Symposium on Plastics in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Region in 21-23 April 2020 in connection with the Icelandic Chairmanship of the Arctic Council. The Symposium will take place in Reykjavík

Interactions Between Ocean and Terrestrial Ecosystems

Event Dates

We would like to invite you to the 4th Polar Ecology Conference organised by the Centre for Polar Ecology at University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic. The conference will be held on Feb 12-15th 2020 and its theme is “Interactions between Ocean and Terrestrial Ecosystems”

Animal Health – Human Health – Environmental Health

Event Dates

The University of Alaska Fairbanks Center for One Health Research will partner with the U.S. Department of State to host the international conference, One Health, One Future from March 11-14, 2020 in Fairbanks, Alaska.

This event is expected to be the largest circumpolar One Health conference

Speaker: Ken Tape, Research Associate Professor Geophysical Institute Snow, Ice and Permafrost Group University of Alaska Fairbanks

Event Dates
Online or In-person at University of Alaska Fairbanks, Akasofu/IARC 407: 10:00-11:00am AKST, 2:00-3:00pm EST

Using time series of satellite images, we have observed hundreds of new beaver ponds in tundra regions of western and northern Alaska. This talk will describe beaver movement into arctic tundra regions and some predicted implications for tundra ecosystems.

Event Dates
Brussels, Belgium

Arctic Futures aims at creating discussions and exchanges between participants with different backgrounds and perspectives over the challenges and issues the Arctic is facing.

This year's symposium will focus on the challenges the Arctic Council will face in the coming years, safety and

Event Dates

First of its kind, the World Bio­di­ver­si­ty Fo­rum, scheduled from 23 - 28 February 2020 in Davos, Switzerland, will bring to­geth­er lead­ing re­searchers, ear­ly ca­reer re­searchers, prac­ti­tion­ers, rep­re­sen­ta­tives from dif­fer­ent sec­tors, de­ci­sion-mak­ers and so­ci­etal ac­tors to