Displaying 3741 - 3750 of 4129
Event Dates
Houston, Texas

A NSF-sponsored workshop will be held at the University of Houston on November 7th & 8th, 2013, for US-based scientists to discuss future drilling projects in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Abstracts (<250 words) for talks or posters are invited in the broad themes of site selection, continental drilling, stratigraphic drilling, physical properties and logging, and data integration and modeling. All presentations should focus on potential future drilling projects and their scientific justification. The participation of early career scientists is encouraged. Limited travel funds are available for presenters. For more information, or to submit an abstract, please write to jwellner [at] uh.edu prior to July 1st; notifications of acceptance and funding level will be made by August 1st.

Event Dates
Copenhagen, Denmark

Through the NORA REGION CONFERENCE 2013, NORA seeks to focus on the common challenges that many media outlets in the NORA Region face. Such as media economy, journalistic impartiality and critical journalism in small communities where direct confrontation is generally not the norm. NORA hopes that

Event Dates
Online, 16:00 GMT

APECS is pleased to invite you to participate in the Antarctic glaciology webinar highlighting recent glaciological studies in Antarctica on 5 November 2013 at 16:00 GMT.

Presentations and speakers are:

* Holocene glacial history of the Weddell Sea: the record in the ice rise
Neil Ross |

Event Dates
Online, 10-11am AKST

The Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP) will host the webinar. The webinar will be presented by Jeremy Mathis from the Ocean Acidification Research Center at UAF and the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory.

Commercial and subsistence fisheries in Alaska are located in

"Arctic Sea Change: What's Ahead?"

Event Dates
Sitka, Alaska

The Sitka WhaleFest hosts a unique science symposium blending local knowledge and scientific inquiry concerning the rich marine environment of the North Pacific. The festival includes many community and cultural activities such as the science symposium lectures, interactive student sessions, marine

Event Dates
Lammi Biological Station, Finland

The meeting provides an informal venue for Nordic-based scientists and students in cryosphere research and related topics to present their latest results. The meeting is hosted by the Department of Physics, University of Helsinki.

Detailed information about the IGS Nordic Branch 2013 meeting can

Event Dates
Denver, Colorado

Come to Colorado, where great ideas will drop out of thin air during the 125th Anniversary Meeting of the Geological Society of America! Denver is ready for you with a great convention center, conveniently located hotels, the fourth largest museum in the nation, and lots of friendly geologists to

Event Dates
Esbjerg, Denmark

The ecosystem changes underway in the Arctic region are expected to have significant impacts on living resources in both the short and long run, and current actions and policies adopted by the Nordic states over such resource governance will have serious and ultimately irreversible consequences in

"School for Young Arctic Researchers," and "Arctic Scientists Workshop"

Event Dates
Woods Hole, Massachusetts

The Forum for Arctic Ocean Modeling and Observational Synthesis (FAMOS) is an international effort to focus on enhancing collaboration and coordination among arctic marine and sea ice modelers, theoreticians, and observationalists. This collaboration is based on a set of activities starting from

Event Dates
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

This is an open and informal meeting of glaciologists from the "Pacific Northwest" studying snow and ice around the world. This is an informal gathering with no abstracts, no pre-registration, and a strong history of student participation. All are welcome.

NEW for 2013: In addition to regular (15