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First Name Last Name Email
Boris Sedov geophys@neisri.magadan.su

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: North-East Interdisciplinary Institute

Title: Professor

Specialties: geophysics, permafrost, seismology

Current Research: Frozen soil mechanics. Permafrost. Cryospheric interactions in North-East Russia.

Lisa Seeb lseeb@fishgame.state.ak.us

Organization: Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Department: Genetics Laboratory

Specialties: genetics, fish populations, biodiversity

Current Research: Population genetics of fish and shellfish from the Bering Sea and Northwest Alaska.

Mark Seefeldt mark.seefeldt@colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: numerical modeling, coupled model system, observations, synoptic-climatology, self-organizing maps

Current Research: Meteorology and climatology of the polar regions through the use of observations and modeling.

Tom Segalstad t.v.segalstad@nhm.uio.no

Organization: University of Oslo

Department: Geological Museum at Natural History Museum

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: geochemistry, stable isotopes, environmental geology

Current Research: Geochemistry of ore and mineral deposits; Geochemistry of ice and snow - inference on paleoclimate and paleoatmosphere.

Richard Seifert ffrds@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Alaska Cooperative Extension

Title: Energy Specialist, Program Chair of Home Economics

Specialties: energy resources

Ueno Seiichi ueno.seiichi@nasda.go.jp

Organization: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Department: Earth Observation Planning Department

Title: Senior Engineer, NASDA IARC Project Manager

Specialties: electrical engineering, science management, satellites

Current Research: Remote sensing. Development of the International Arctic Research Center (IARC).

Ari Seina seina@fimr.fi

Organization: Finnish Meteorological Institute

Department: Department of Physical Oceanography

Title: Researcher

Specialties: sea ice, sea ice remote sensing, climate change

Current Research: Space-borne remote sensing data use in sea ice monitoring, including near real-time delivery to ships. Meteorological, sea ice and ocean data and data product development for real-time use at sea. Climate change effects into the Baltic Sea ice season.

Frank Sejersen sejersen@hum.ku.dk

Organization: University of Copenhagen

Department: Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: Indigenous peoples, urban development, natural resources policy

Current Research: Climate Change Indigenous knowledge Community Development Anthropology Human responses to climate change, and societal and political transformations in the Arctic and in Greenland in particular.

Serguei Semenov semenovs@online.ru

Department: Department of Terrestrial Ecology and Bioclimatology

Title: Professor

Specialties: ecology, climatology, modeling

Current Research: Relationships between climate variables (temperature, precipitation) and tree growth variables (phenological dates, tree rings, branch length increments) in polar regions.

Igor Semiletov ipsemiletov@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: International Arctic Research Center (IARC)

Title: Visiting Associate Professor

Specialties: CO2 chemistry, climatology, chemical oceanography

Current Research: Carbon cycling in the land-shelf system, CO2 flux through the sea ice, CH4 in the northern lakes, Connections between atmospheric forcings, river runoff, offshore hydrology and hydrochemistry

Tido Semmier semmier@dkrz.de

Organization: Max Planck Institute for Meteorology

Department: Department of Integrated Assessment

Specialties: meteorology, atmospheric physics, atmospheric sciences

Current Research: PhD thesis on “The water and energy budget of the Arctic atmosphere.” Participation in ARCMIP (ARCtic Model Intercomparison Project).

Albert Semtner sbert@meeker.ucar.edu

Organization: Naval Postgraduate School

Department: Department of Oceanography - Code OC/Se

Specialties: modeling, climate modeling, sea ice modeling

Current Research: Simulations of circulation and variability of the ice-covered Arctic Ocean. Simulations of global circulation, with the Arctic included.

Georgy Semyonov geosem@ecoshelf2.spb.org

Organization: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet

Department: Department of Ocean-Air Interaction

Title: Senior Scientific Researcher

Specialties: computer modeling, ocean circulation, ocean-atmosphere interactions

Current Research: Numerical modeling of hydrothermodynamical processes in the Arctic Ocean: -Dynamics of Arctic Ocean and coupling to sea ice (interannual and interdecadal variability of water-ice circulation and thermohaline structure in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans); -Coastal and shelf processes (synoptic, seasonal, and interannual variability of circulation of waters and ice in the shelf seas and in the rivers estuary); -Dynamics of rotating and stratified fluids (deep and shelf convection, oceanic convection and ice-ocean interactions, oceanic convection and atmosphere-ocean interactions).

Dan Senecal-Albrecht yrdfa@home.com

Organization: Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association

Title: Executive Director

Specialties: fisheries management, Alaska public policy, natural resources policy

Current Research: Cooperative fishery management and research projects. Consensus-building and conflict resolution between different fishery user groups.

Aron Senkpiel asenk@yukoncollege.yk.ca

Organization: Yukon University

Department: Arts and Science

Title: Dean

Specialties: literature, education

Current Research: Representation of "north" in literature, particularly Canadian. History of post-secondary education in the Canadian North, including the development of the University of the Arctic.

Haruki Senoo senoo@ipc.akita-u.ac.jp

Organization: Akita University

Department: Department of Anatomy

Title: Professor, MD, Ph.D.

Specialties: medical sciences, nutrition, epidemiology

Current Research: Svalbard, Finmark.

Davis Sentman dsentman@gi.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Geophysical Institute (GI)

Specialties: space physics

Current Research: Red sprites and blue jets - middle atmospheric electrical breakdown above thunderstorms.

Rodney Seppelt rod_sep@antdiv.gov.au

Organization: Australian Antarctic Division

Department: Biology Department

Title: Principal Research Scientist

Specialties: bryology, plant systematics, alpine ecology

Current Research: Collaborative study with Dr. Gary A. Laursen and associates on fungal-plant interactions of Alaskan alpine areas and Beringian-Arctic National Parks.

Dmitrii Sergeev sergeevdo@gmail.com

Organization: Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Title: Chief of Permafrost Laboratory

Specialties: permafrost, periglacial environment, environmental monitoring

Current Research: Alaska permafrost monitoring

Gary Sergy

Specialties: oil spills, environmental remediation

Current Research: fate, behaviour, effects and cleanup of oil on shorelines; Arctic Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Techniques (SCAT); experimental oil spill studies; long term monitoring of oil spill sites;

Mark Serreze mark.serreze@colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)/Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)

Title: Save the Planet

Specialties: Arctic climatology, hydrology, remote sensing

Current Research: Analysis of arctic water vapor transports. Synoptic variability. Atmosphere-sea ice interactions.

Kenneth Severin fnkps@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Geology and Geophysics

Specialties: paleoecology, marine biology, micropaleontology

Current Research: Biomineralization: Use of fish otoliths for oceanographic and ecologic reconstruction.

Carole Seyfrit clseyfrit@radford.edu

Organization: Radford University

Department: Department of Sociology

Title: Dean

Specialties: social change, sociology, survey research

Current Research: Social and economic change and the impacts on adolescents and young adults’ occupational, educational, and residential expectations and experiences.

Mike Sfraga mike.sfraga@wilsoncenter.org

Organization: Wilson Center

Department: UA Geography Program

Title: Director, Polar Initiative

Specialties: history of science, geography, arctic policy

Current Research: Impact of western science on Native communities in Alaska. History of the International Geophysical Year.

Elena Shalina elena.shalina@gmail.com

Organization: Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center

Specialties: sea ice remote sensing, climate change, geographic information systems

Current Research: Multi-year ice.