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First Name Last Name Email
Michael Spindler mspindler@ipoe.uni-kiel.de

Organization: University of Kiel

Department: Institute for Polar Ecology

Title: Professor

Specialties: sea ice biota, marine ecology

Current Research: Sea ice biology.

Yvette Spitz yvette.spitz@oregonstate.edu

Organization: Oregon State University

Department: College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

Title: Professor, Biological/Physical Oceanography

Specialties: ecosystem modeling, physical oceanography, ocean circulation

Current Research: Shelf-Basin Interaction. Ecosystem modeling.

Sigmund Spjelkavik sigmund@unis.no

Organization: University Centre in Svalbard

Department: Department of Biology

Specialties: vegetation ecology, remote sensing, botany

Alan Springer ams@ims.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Institute of Marine Science (IMS)

Specialties: marine ecology, oceanography, seabirds

Current Research: Bering Sea. Chukchi Sea.

Julie Sprott jsprott@gci.net

Title: RN, Ph.D., Cultural Anthropologist

Specialties: Eskimos, cultural anthropology, environmental perception

Current Research: Family support. Childrearing. Recent research in public involvement/decision-making at federal cleanup sites in rural Alaska.

Denis St-Onge dstonge@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Terrain Sciences Division - Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Scientific Advisor

Specialties: geomorphology, quaternary geology, stratigraphy

Current Research: Coppermine River region and Bkluenos Lake region, Nunavut, Canada.

David St. Aubin dstaubin@mysticaquarium.org

Organization: Mystic Aquarium & Institute for Exploration

Department: Research and Veterinary Services

Title: Director

Specialties: marine mammals, physiology, endocrinology

Current Research: Physiology of marine mammal endocrine systems.

Karen St. Germain

Organization: University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Department: Department of Electrical Engineering

Specialties: remote sensing, engineering, sea ice

Current Research: Remote sensing of ice temperature using passive microwave systems. Remote sensing of the polar atmosphere/precipitation.

Hans Staaland hans.staaland@ibn.nlh.no

Department: Department of Biology and Nature Conservation

Title: Professor

Specialties: animal physiology, reindeer, moose

Current Research: Reindeer, moose, and muskoxen biology. Sodium metabolism of reindeer. Mineral content in grazing plants. Grazing ecology of reindeer. Effects of Chernobyl accident on radioactive Cs in domestic reindeer. Alimentary system of northern herbivorous mammals.

Phyllis Stabeno phyllis.stabeno@noaa.gov

Organization: NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory

Department: EcoFOCI

Title: Oceanographer

Specialties: physical oceanography, ocean circulation, fjord/shelf oceanography

Current Research: My major interest in Arctic research is the ecosystem of the Bering Sea and the Chukchi Sea, with a focus on bottom up processes. In collaboration with other scientists we maintain four biophysical moorings on the eastern Bering Sea shelf. and the northern Chukchi Sea Data from these moorings have revealed a marked warming of the southeastern Bering shelf over the last decade. As part of the NOAA's North Pacific Climate Regimes and Ecosystem Study we are investigating how these ecosystems responds to such a regime shift.

Thomas Stafford Jr. staffordt@spot.colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)

Specialties: quaternary stratigraphy, geochemistry, geochronology

Current Research: Lake sedimentation. AMS 14C

John Stager jstager@geog.ubc.ca

Organization: University of British Columbia

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: geography, history

Current Research: Socio/environmental issues in northern Canada. Canadian Arctic geography and exploration history.

Florian Stammler florian.stammler@ulapland.fi

Organization: University of Lapland

Department: Arctic Centre

Title: Research Professor

Specialties: anthropology, Siberian peoples, reindeer breeding

Current Research: Interests lie in the human role in reindeer herding systems, arctic economy, nomadism, indigenous knowledge, land rights, resource extraction and native populations, indigenous movements, centre-periphery relations. Currently engaged in EU project BALANCE, studying local perceptions of climate change among reindeer herders

Knut Stamnes kstamnes@stevens-tech.edu

Organization: Stevens Institute of Technology

Department: Department of Physics and Engineering Physics

Specialties: radiation, modeling, meteorology

Current Research: The North Slope of Alaska (NSA) Atmospheric Measurements (ARM) Program. Development of basic cloud model. Radiative transfer in the atmosphere-sea ice-ocean system. Polar ozone depletion and biologically relevant ultraviolet radiation. NO2 column abundance measurements and trace gas chemistry regulating arctic stratospheric ozone abundance. Radiative and chemical effects of clouds and aerosols.

Tim Stanton stanton@nps.edu

Organization: Naval Postgraduate School

Department: Oceanography Department

Title: Associate Research Professor

Specialties: air-sea-ice interactions, oceanography, instrumentation

Current Research: Arctic leads. Arctic Ocean mixed-layer dynamics. Arctic heat fluxes.

Mary Leeds Stapleton mary@stapleton.ca

Organization: Arctic Circumpolar Cultural Gateway

Title: Managing Director

Specialties: sustainable development, socio-economic impact assessment, environmental assessment

Current Research: Arctic Circumpolar Route Project. (This is a compendium of community based research projects related to environmental and traditional cultural heritage of circumpolar peoples. It is an electronically-based thematic collection, a “museum without walls.” Currently, the project is limited to Canada, but will include representation from the eight circumpolar countries.)

Gregory Starr gstarr@ua.edu

Organization: University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa

Department: Biological Sciences

Title: Graduate Student

Specialties: plant ecology, global warming

Current Research: -Understanding plant physiological functions and carbon and water dynamics during the winter in arctic ecosystems.

Charles Stearns chucks@ssec.wisc.edu

Organization: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Department: Polar Meteorological Research Establishment

Specialties: meteorology, data management, instrumentation

Current Research: Automatic weather stations in Greenland measuring snow temperature profile, snow accumulation, air temperature, air pressure, relative humidity, vertical air temperature difference, wind speed and wind direction.

Michael Steele mas@apl.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Applied Physics Lab

Title: Oceanographer

Specialties: ocean circulation, ocean-atmosphere interactions, sea ice modeling

Current Research: Air-ice-ocean interaction. Water masses of the Arctic Ocean.

Harald Steen steen@npolar.no

Organization: Norwegian Polar Institute

Title: Senior scientist

Specialties: avian ecology, biology, ecology

Current Research: Seabird feeding ecology and population dynamics.

Konstantinos Stefanidis kostas.stefanidis@gsfc.nasa.gov

Organization: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Department: Laboratory for Hydrospheric Processes

Specialties: sea ice remote sensing, meteorology

Current Research: Digital satellite image processing utilizing artifical intelligence and statistical methods for cloud/sea/sea-ice discrimination.

Alexandra Steffen alexandra.steffen@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: Air Quality Research Branch - Air Processes Division

Title: Research Chemist

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, air pollution, atmospheric chemistry

Current Research: Transport and deposition of atmospheric mercury in arctic regions. Cause and effect of mercury depletion episodes that occur n the arctic after the polar sunrise. Circumpolar research on atmospheric mercury and related mercury issues.

John Steffensen jfseffensen@bio.ku.dk

Organization: National History Museum, University of Copenhagen

Department: Marine Biological Laboratory

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: physiology, marine biology, ichthyology

Current Research: Metabolic cold adaptation of polar fish.

Amy Steffian amy@alutiiqmuseum.org

Organization: Alutiiq Museum

Title: Curator

Specialties: archaeology, cultural adaptation, Native studies

Current Research: Prehistoric economy and social organization in the Kodiak Archipelago. Human ecology. Risk management.

Eric Steig steig@uw.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Department of Earth and Space Sciences

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: geochemistry, glaciology, global change

Current Research: Ice-core analysis. Atmospheric water vapor. Cosmogenic isotopes. Stable isotopes.