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First Name Last Name Email
William Cotton cotton@atmos.colostate.edu

Organization: Colorado State University

Department: Department of Atmospheric Science

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: ice interaction, air-sea-ice interactions, sea ice modeling

Current Research: Snow modeling. Computer modeling. Snow physics. Icing meteorology.

Sheila Coulson sheila.coulson@iakk.uio.no

Organization: University of Oslo

Department: Department for Archaeology, Art History, and Conservation

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: paleo-Eskimo

Current Research: Newland Archaeological Project, Holm Land, NE Greenland.

Brian Cousens brian.cousens@carleton.ca

Organization: Carleton University

Department: Department of Earth Sciences

Title: Research Adjunct Professor

Specialties: geochemistry, geology

Current Research: Mineral deposits research. Bedrock geochemistry and Nd isotope systematics, Yellowknife Volcanic Belt, Slave Province and greenstone belts of the Western Churchill Province, Nunavut. Origin of ultrapotassic rocks of the Baker Lake Group, Nunavut. Origin of gold-bearing fluids, Yellowknife Gold District, Slave Province.

Réjean Couture rejean.couture@canada.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Subdivision Head

Specialties: engineering geology, geotechnical engineering

Current Research: Climate change. Permafrost degradation. Infrastructure in northern communities.

Adriana Craciun acraciun@bu.edu

Organization: Boston University

Title: Emma MacLachlan Metcalf Chair of Humanities, Professor

Specialties: history, literature

Current Research: 17th-19th century history of European exploration in the Arctic. Ongoing significance of arctic exploration history, especially Franklin disaster, in current arctic geopolitics.

Helen Craggs helencraggs@aol.com

Organization: Self

Department: Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Title: Earth Science Researcher & Technical Translator

Specialties: paleobotany, paleoclimatology, geology

Current Research: Research in Cretaceous climate and vegetation. Climate model evaluation using evidence from the geological record in the form of plant fossils (leaf morphology) and sedimentary deposits.

James Cragin jcragin@crrel.usace.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: snow chemistry, ice chemistry, atmospheric chemistry

Current Research: Scavenging of aerosols by snowfall. Effects of metamorphism upon snow chemistry. Stability and transport of chemical species in snow.

Patricia Crandell

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (SFOS) - Juneau Center

Specialties: genetics, aquaculture, animal genetics

Current Research: Quantitative genetics of salmon.

Robert Crane crane@essc.psu.edu

Organization: Pennsylvania State University

Department: College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Title: Associate Vice Provost for Global Programs, Professor

Specialties: climate change, air-sea-ice interactions, cryospheric remote sensing

Current Research: Ice-climate interactions.

Charles Crapo chuck.crapo@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Marine Advisory Program

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: fisheries

Current Research: Seafood product development. Utilization of commercial fisheries species. Seafood quality. Extension-outreach programs for Alaska seafood industry.

Barbara Crass bacrass@aol.com

Organization: University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

Department: Religious Studies and Anthropolgy

Title: Professor

Specialties: archaeology, Eskimos, folklore

Current Research: All aspects of Eskimo burial practices-past and present-including tales dealing with death and the afterlife.

Susan Crate scrate1@gmu.edu

Organization: George Mason University

Department: Department of Environmental Science and Policy

Title: Professor of Anthropology

Specialties: anthropology, Indigenous knowledge, human adaptation

Current Research: Human-Environment Relations and Co-production of Knowledge with Viliui Sakha in Viliui Regions, Sakha Republic, northeastern Siberia, Russia

John Craven craven@giuaf.gi.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Geophysical Institute (GI)

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: space physics, magnetospheric physics, auroral studies

Current Research: Large-scale morphology of the aurora. Magnetic mapping from the aurora into the magnetosphere. Variations in thermospheric composition . Modeling auroral electron precipitation patterns .

Amy Craver amy_craver@nps.gov

Organization: U.S. National Park Service

Department: Office of Subsistence Management

Specialties: folklore

Alexander Crawford alexander.crawford@colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: Geography

Title: Graduate Fellow

Specialties: sea ice variability, extra-tropical cyclones, atmosphere-surface interactions

Current Research: 1) How is Arctic cyclone development influenced by the Arctic frontal zone? (The AFZ is a narrow band of especially strong horizontal temperature gradients that develops each summer in response to differential heating of the atmosphere over adjacent land and ocean/sea ice surfaces. It is roughly aligned with the Arctic Ocean coastline.)
2) What factors are most important to predicting the seasonal retreat and advance of sea ice in various regions of the Arctic Ocean?

Greg Crawford greg.crawford@ontariotechu.ca

Organization: University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Department: Faculty of Science

Title: Dean, Faculty of Science

Specialties: physical oceanography

Current Research: Tidally driven mixing in the Canadian Archipelago.

Holger Cremer holger.cremer@tno.nl

Organization: TNO

Department: Netherlands Institute of Applied Geoscience TNO

Title: Project manager

Specialties: aquatic biology, biological oceanography, paleobiology

Alexander Cress alexander.cress@dwd.de

Organization: Deutscher Wetterdienst

Department: Research and Development - Data Assimilation

Title: Senior Scientist

Specialties: meteorology, data processing/analysis

Current Research: Use of observing systems (satellite or is-situ) over the Arctic and Antarctica in atmospheric data assimilation systems used at the German Weather Service

Patrick Crill patrick.crill@geo.su.se

Organization: Stockholm University

Department: Department of Geological Sciences

Title: Professor of Biogeochemistry

Specialties: biogeochemistry, trace gases, CH4 and CO2 biogeochemistry

Current Research: Methane and Carbon dynamics of thawing, frozen soils, peats and ponds. Trace gases in the Arctic Ocean atmosphere. Halogen trace gas sources and sinks. Biological mediation of element cycles. atmosphere/ biosphere exchange and impacts of climate and landscape change on carbon balance of terrestrial landscapes and coastal oceans. Isotopic tracing of biogeochemical processes of formation and physical processes of exchange of biogenic gases. Innovative use of novel technologies in the development of field measurement methodologies.

Peter Crittenden peter.crittenden@nottingham.ac.uk

Organization: University of Nottingham

Department: School of Biology

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: microbiology, plant ecology, lichenology

Current Research: Currently studying genetic variation on a global scale in the bi-polar lichen Ochrolechia frigida with a view to determining the extent of genetic variation in Antarctic populations. principal Arctic interests are in the ecology of lichen-dominated ecosystems, particularly their nitrogen and phosphorus economies, including the role of lichens in nutrient capture from the atmosphere and nitrogen fixation. Most recent Arctic fieldwork was in northern Komi Republic/Nenets Autonomous region investigating impacts of acid deposition from local (Vorkuta, Inta, Usinsk) and long range sources.

Thomas Cronin tcronin@usgs.gov

Organization: U.S. Geological Survey

Department: Department of Earth Surface Dynamics

Title: Geologist

Specialties: paleoceanography, micropaleontology, paleoclimatology

Current Research: Quaternary geology. Stratigraphy. Quaternary and Neogene paleoceanography, marine ostracode and foraminiferal ecology Neogene, Quaternary stratigraphy. Quaternary Arctic paleoceanography using ostracode ecology.

Aron Crowell crowella@si.edu

Organization: Smithsonian Institution Arctic Studies Center

Title: Alaska Director

Specialties: archaeology, ethnohistory, museum studies

Current Research: Archaeological site distributions and human settlement patterns along the Gulf of Alaska coast, with reference to resource distributions, sea level history and Holocene glacial history (National Park Service, USGS, Smithsonian Institution) Katmai, Kenai Fjords, Glacier Bay National Parks.

Liz Cruwys ec102@cus.cam.ac.uk

Organization: Self

Department: Scott Polar Research Institute

Title: Independent Publishing Professional

Specialties: marine biology, seals, pollution

Current Research: Looking at the bioaccumulation of trace elements in the hard tissues of pinnipeds. Pinniped phylogeny and taxonomy.

Yvon Csonka ycsonka@gmail.com

Organization: Federal Statistical Office (Switzerland)

Department: Department of Social and Cultural History

Title: Chef du domaine Analyses thématiques et enquêtes chez

Specialties: social anthropology, archaeology, ethnohistory

Current Research: Asian shore of Bering Strait, Chukotka, Russia: neo-Eskimo prehistory (coordinator of international archaeological project at the site of Ekven). Caribou Inuit ethnohistory, west coast of Hudson Bay, Nunavut, Canada.

Kurt Cuffey kcuffey@berkeley.edu

Organization: University of California, Berkeley

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Professor

Specialties: glaciology, geomorphology, global change

Current Research: Ice core paleoclimatology. Dynamic glaciology. Processes in subfreezing ice. Processes in polar firn. Borehole temperature analysis. Stable isotopes of water.