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Elva Escobar-Briones escobri@cmarl.unam.mx

Organization: National Autonomous University of Mexico

Department: Institute of Marine Sciences and Limnology

Title: Professor, Director

Specialties: biological oceanography, benthic ecology

Current Research: Carbon flux. Carbon flow in benthic communities.

David Eslinger dave.eslinger@noaa.gov

Organization: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Department: Coastal Remote Sensing Program, Coastal Services Center

Title: Oceanographer

Specialties: remote sensing, biological oceanography, modeling

Current Research: Ocean-color algorithm development for Alaskan waters. Satellite oceanographic studies of eddies in the Bering Sea. Coupled biological and physical models of plankton dynamics in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Ice edge plankton dynamics in the Bering Sea.

Aileen Espiritu aileen.a.espiritu@uit.no

Organization: UiT: The Arctic University of Norway

Department: History Programme

Title: Researcher, Director

Specialties: history, Native communities, environmental health

Current Research: Native peoples in Siberia. Northern resource development. Environmental health, native women.

Lydia Espizua lespizua@mendoza-conicet.gov.ar

Organization: El Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales

Department: Instituto Argentino de Nivología - Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales (IANIGLA)

Title: Researcher

Specialties: glacial geology, quaternary stratigraphy, climate change

Current Research: Pleistocene and Holocene glaciations. Fluctuations of glaciers during the last century. Natural Hazard map (landslides).

Yngve Espmark yngve.espmark@ntnu.no

Organization: Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Department: Department of Zoology

Title: Professor

Specialties: animal behavior, zoology, avian biology

Current Research: Breeding biology, including song, ornamentation, parental care, mating systems, diurnal activity, environmental constraints and adaptations, in the Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis) in Svalbard.

Bradley Esser bkesser@llnl.gov

Organization: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Department: Chemical Sciences Division

Title: Staff Scientist

Specialties: hydrology, geochemistry, radioactive isotopes

Current Research: Stable isotopes Radiochemistry Isotope hydrology, including alpine basin hydrology and impacts of climate change on alpine groundwater basins.

Samuel Etienne samuel.etienne@wanadoo.fr

Organization: Maison des Sciences de l'Homme

Department: CNRS GEOLAB

Specialties: geomorphology, periglacial environment, mycology

Current Research: Processes of weathering of volcanic rocks (basalts) in Iceland, especially non-cryogenic processes (biological, chemical, and physical processes).

Werner Eugster werner.eugster@usys.ethz.ch

Organization: ETH Zürich

Department: Institute of Plant, Animal and Agroecosystem Sciences

Title: Adjunct Professor

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, microclimatology, mass transfer

Current Research: Global change Energy exchange Trace gases Role of lakes and rivers in global change. Carbon dynamics and gas flux in the Arctic.

Marlene Evans marlene.evans@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: Science and Technology Branch

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: aquatic ecology, environmental contaminants, limnology

Current Research: Long-term trends in mercury and POPs in lake trout and burbot in lakes in Northwest Territories and why. Mercury, POPs and ecology of sea run char. Mackenzie River delta, tributaries and cumulative impacts of development. General ecological features and factors affecting these features. Great Slave and Great Bear Lake ecology. Community interactions, training and collaborations.

Alexandre Evdokimov vniio@g-ocean.spb.su

Organization: VNIIOkeangeologia

Title: Chief of Department

Specialties: geochemistry, igneous petrology, mineralogy

Current Research: Geology. Spitsbergen. Yakutiya. Chukotka. Novaya Zemlya. France Josef Land.

Galina Andreevna Evdokimova galina@inep.ksc.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Kola Science Centre

Title: Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Laboratory Chief

Specialties: soil microbiology, bioremediation, biodiversity

Current Research: Microbial communities. Biodiversity of soil bacteria and fungi. Soil pollution by heavy metals. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by fungal biomass. Bioremediation of soils.

Anita Evenset ane@akvaplan.niva.no

Organization: Akvaplan-niva

Department: Environmental Department

Title: Head of Department, Environmental R&D

Specialties: environmental contaminants, environmental toxicology, marine biology

Current Research: Transport and deposition of persistent organic pollutants on Bear Island, Barents Sea. Effects of persistent organic pollutants on Arctic char.

Edward Evenson ebe0@lehigh.edu

Organization: Lehigh University

Department: Earth and Environmental Sciences

Specialties: glacial geology, glaciology

Current Research: Modern glacial systems - Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, Svalbard. Glacial history - Alaska, Bylot Island, Ungava.

James Evermann jfe@wsu.edu

Organization: Washington State University

Department: College of Veterinary Medicine

Title: Professor, Immunodiagnostics Section Head

Specialties: veterinary medicine, microbiology, virology

Current Research: Ecology and epidemiology of infectious diseases of arctic mammals.

Karl-Ulrich Evers evers@hsva.de

Organization: Hamburg Ship Model Basin

Department: Department of Arctic Technology

Title: Senior Research Scientist - Dipl.-Ing.

Specialties: sea ice, ice engineering, offshore structures, ice mechanics, model tests in ice

Current Research: Ice mechanics and ice properties. Ice model tests on ships and offshore structures. Model tests on oil recovery systems for arctic regions. Coordination of access to the large-scale facility ARCTECLAB. Pressure ice ridge profiling. Ice load measurements. Offshore structures, oil spills, sea ice modeling, sea ice navigation, environmental engineering.

Bojko Evgeny erbojko@physiol.komisc.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Institute of Physiology Urad Division

Title: Professor, Laboratory Head

Specialties: medical sciences

Current Research: Human physiology and biochemistry between inhabitances of Circumpolar area. Especially effect of vitamine disoders on human health, menthal health, physiologycal and biochemical procesess. Metabolism in northerners.

Alan Ewert aewert@indiana.edu

Organization: Indiana University

Department: Department of Recreation and Park Administration

Title: Professor

Specialties: tourism, recreation

Current Research: Economic Impacts of Northern Portal Communities from the Adventure Tourism Perspective. Natural Resource Management/Human Dimensions.

Peter Ewins pewins@wwfcanada.org

Organization: World Wildlife Fund Canada

Department: Arctic Programme

Title: Arctic Wildlife Bioligist

Specialties: arctic wildlife conservation, land and resource use planning, marine ecology

Current Research: Seabirds Arctic marine mammals Community-based conservation solutions WWF Canada does support Arctic research, and is actively engaged in many projects (over past 25 years) relating directly or indirectly to conservation of natural habitats and wildlife populations, etc.

Robert Ezraty robert.ezraty@ifremer.fr

Organization: French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea

Department: Département d’Océanographie Spatiale

Specialties: remote sensing, sea ice remote sensing, boundary-layer meteorology

Current Research: Remote sensing of sea ice using scatterometers and microwave radiometers. ESA/ERS AMI-Wind. NSCAT scatterometer.

Mads Faegteborg mads@inuit.org

Organization: Inuit Circumpolar Council, Greenland

Title: Executive Director

Specialties: Inuit, Indigenous peoples, arctic policy

Current Research: Author of "Grønland i dag - en introduktion" (Greenland to day - an introduction), The Health of Arctic Indigenous Peoples (Arctic Leaders' Summit III). Both books are expected to be published early spring 2000. Inuit: Alaska, Canada, Chukotka, Greenland. Indigenous organizations. Indigenous cooperation.

Jace Fahnestock jace@nrel.colostate.edu

Organization: North Wind Resource Consulting, LLC

Department: Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory

Title: President

Specialties: plant ecology, global change, winter environment

Christopher Fairall chris.fairall@noaa.gov

Organization: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Department: Meteorological Applications and Assessments Division - Environment Technology Laboratory

Title: Scientist

Specialties: ocean-atmosphere interactions, boundary-layer meteorology, meteorological instrumentation

Current Research: Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic.

Renato Fakhoury renato_mendesfakhoury@student.uml.edu

Organization: University of Massachusetts, Lowell

Department: Global Studies

Title: Doctoral Student - Global Studies

Specialties: Arctic Security, Narratives.

Current Research: My current doctoral project focuses on analyzing the role of narrative and identity in Arctic security dynamics. For that, I analyze how different actors (indigenous communities, small states, and great powers) present security issues in the Arctic, under which circumstances, and with what consequences.

Eva Falck eva.falck@uib.no

Organization: University of Bergen

Department: Geophysical Institute

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: physical oceanography, ocean-atmosphere interactions, chemical oceanography

Current Research: Arctic Ocean. Nordic seas (Greenland, Iceland, and Norwegian seas).

Howard Falcon-Lang howard.falcon-lang@rhul.ac.uk

Organization: Royal Holloway, University of London

Department: Department of Earth Sciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: paleobotany, paleoclimatology, paleoecology