News From: - Publication

Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic Volume 18 Number 3

The Fall 2014 issue of Witness the Arctic is now available. This issue includes information about the new SEARCH program structure and program updates; news of NSF-funded projects in Arctic natural sciences, social sciences, science education, and Polar Cyberinfrastructure; a perspective on recommendations from the Arctic Biodiversity Assessment; updates from ACADIS and USARC; profiles of two ARCUS board members; and a welcome to the five new members of the ARCUS Board of Directors.

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News From: - Meeting

SEARCH Town Hall at AGU

SEARCH Town Hall at AGU

A Town Hall on the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) will be held at the AGU Fall meeting in San Francisco. The Town Hall is scheduled for Monday, 15 December 2014 at 12:30-1:30 PM PST in Moscone West, Room 2005. Members of the Arctic science, education, and policy communities are invited to attend. We encourage students and early career investigators to participate. Light refreshments will be provided.

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News From: - Meeting

SIPN Modeling Meeting

 Distribution of individual Pan-Arctic Outlook values (August Report) for September 2014 sea ice extent compared to the observed value. Labels on the bar graph are rounded to the tenths for readability.

There will be a Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) Modeling Meeting on Wednesday, 17 December from 12:30-2:00 pm during the American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meetings. This year's meeting will focus on issues related to predicting sea ice with methods that are sensitive to initial conditions. Specifically, the goal of this meeting is to set up a common protocol for experiments to test sensitivity to initial conditions in sea ice forecasts of summer 2015. We will also discuss metrics that are responsive to stakeholder needs. The meeting is open, and all SIPN and Sea Ice Outlook participants who use initial conditions in a model are invited. The meeting will convene in the Foothill E room on the 2nd floor of the San Francisco Marriott Marquis.

Lunch will be provided to folks who RSVP by 10:00 am (AKST) Monday, 8 December. For more information or to RSVP, contact Betsy (betsy [at]

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News From: - Draft Report

Request for Input

This image compares differences in ice-covered areas between September 17, 2014, the date of this year’s minimum, and last year’s minimum, September 13, 2013.

Request for Input: Draft Post-Season Report. The 2014 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) Action Team invites community comment on its draft post-season report. This draft includes the main post-season analysis and discussion points. Following input, further development, and editing the SIO Action Team aims to share a final draft with the larger community during the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meetings 14-19 December. Comments from the Arctic sea ice community on the analysis and discussion sections as well as suggestions on how to help improve sea-ice forecasts are welcome. Please send comments to Betsy Turner-Bogren (betsy [at] by Wednesday, 3 December 2014. The report is online and available to be downloaded as a PDF or Microsoft Word document here.

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News From: - Events

Sea Ice Presentations at AGU

Sea Ice Presentations at AGU

Going to the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco next month? Overwhelmed by the science program and not sure what presentations to see? We’ve got an online schedule of sea ice-related talks and posters to help!

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News From: - Call for Input

Input Requested to AON Position Paper

Input Requested to AON Position Paper

The Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) requests input on a draft position paper on issues related to the design and implementation of an integrated Arctic Observing Network (AON). The paper represents a synthesis of discussions within SEARCH over the last year and builds on past SEARCH-AON community events and workshops. Key issues addressed in the paper include governance, network integration, and sustained funding. The deadline for input is Friday, 21 November 2014.

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News From: - Draft Report

Input Requested to Arctic Safety Report

Input Requested to Arctic Safety Report

A draft report on arctic field safety is available for comment. The draft report summarizes discussions at an NSF-sponsored workshop on Arctic Field Safety Risk Management that was convened to improve field safety practices, build communication, and reduce risk. The draft is available for comment until Tuesday, 11 November 2014.

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News From: - Webinar

SIPN Webinar Archive

Sun bounces off of the sea ice on a clear sunny day in the Arctic. Aboard the USCGC Polar Sea icebreaker in the Beaufort Sea.

An archive of the Sea Ice Outlook: Post-Season Discussion webinar, held on 9 October 2014, is now available. The webinar, hosted by the Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN), focused on post-season analysis and discussion of the 2014 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) and provided a venue for discussion of the 2014 SIO, including processes that influenced sea ice melt this year and a review of the differing approaches to predicting the sea ice minimum extent.

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News From: - Webinar

SIPN Webinar

Sun bounces off of the sea ice on a clear sunny day in the Arctic. Aboard the USCGC Polar Sea icebreaker in the Beaufort Sea.

Registration is now available for the Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) webinar, which will focus on post-season analysis and discussion of the 2014 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO). This webinar will provide a venue for discussion of the 2014 SIO, including processes that influenced sea ice melt this year and a review of the differing approaches to predicting the sea ice minimum extent. The webinar is open to all interested participants, including sea ice researchers, students, decision-makers, and others. This webinar is scheduled for Thursday, 9 October 2014 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. AKDT. Registration is required.

Webinar Information

News From: - Webinar

SIPN Webinar

Sun bounces off of the sea ice on a clear sunny day in the Arctic. Aboard the USCGC Polar Sea icebreaker in the Beaufort Sea.

SAVE THE DATE: The Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) announces an open webinar focused on post-season analysis and discussion of the 2014 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO). This webinar will provide a venue for discussion of the 2014 SIO, including processes that influenced sea ice melt this year and a review of the differing approaches to predicting the sea ice minimum extent. The webinar is open to all interested participants, including sea ice researchers, students, decision-makers, and others. This webinar is scheduled for Thursday, 9 October 2014 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. AKDT.

Webinar Information

News From: - Report

August Sea Ice Outlook

Figure 1: Distribution of individual Pan-Arctic Outlook values (August Report) for September 2014 sea ice extent. Labels on the bar graph are rounded to the tenths for readability. Refer to the Individual Outlooks at the bottom of this report for the full details of individual submissions.

Announcing the August Sea Ice Outlook report! We received 23 pan-Arctic contributions and four regional contributions. The median Outlook value for September 2014 sea ice extent is 5.0 million square kilometers, with quartiles of 4.58 and 5.22 million square kilometers. This month's report includes comments on modeling outlooks and on regional predictions, a summary of current conditions, key statements from each Outlook, and links to view or download the full outlook contributions.

View Outlook Report

News From: - Call for Input

Sea Ice Outlook

Sample of SIP (i.e., ensemble mean SIE) in percent for a random year from CESM1.1.

The Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) announces a call for contributions to the August Sea Ice Outlook report. Please see the guidelines for submitting regional and pan-Arctic outlooks. A variety of perspectives, from advanced numerical models to qualitative perspectives from citizen scientists, are welcome.

View Submission Guidelines

News From: - Report

Sea Ice Outlook

Announcing the July Sea Ice Outlook report! The Sea Ice Outlook provides a venue for exploring the changing Arctic sea ice extent. It provides a transparent exercise in both scientific sea ice predictions as well as estimates from the public. For the July report, we received 28 pan-Arctic contributions and three regional contributions. The median Outlook value for September 2014 sea ice extent is 4.8 million square kilometers. The report includes a brief executive summary, comments on modeling outlooks and on regional predictions, current conditions, and the individual Outlook contributions.

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News From: - Report

July Sea Ice Outlook

Announcing the July Sea Ice Outlook report! We received 28 pan-Arctic contributions and three regional contributions. The median Outlook value for September 2014 sea ice extent is 4.8 million square kilometers with quartiles of 4.4 and 5.0 million square kilometers. The report includes a brief executive summary, comments on modeling outlooks and on regional predictions, current conditions, and the individual Outlook contributions.

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News From: - Report

Report Released

2013 Logistics Workshop Report

A new report is now available on Arctic Research Support and Logistics: "Increasing Arctic Accessibility Over the Next Twenty Years”. The report was based on recommendations discussed at a workshop and with input from the broader community. It includes recommendations for sustaining and expanding logistics resources, capacity building, and opportunities for improved coordination of resources. The report is available free as a PDF.

View Report Here

News From: - Opportunity

AGU Session

Photo by Ute Kaden (TREC 2005), Courtesy of ARCUS

SIPN Team member Cecilia Bitz announces a call for abstracts for an AGU Session: Processes and Predictability (Session #2392). Presentations that examine the processes that govern seasonal to multidecadal polar climate variability, identify sources of polar climate predictability, and characterize uncertainty in polar climate prediction are welcome. The session seeks to connect the community of atmospheric, oceanic, and cryospheric scientists working on topics relevant to the new Polar Climate Predictability Initiative of the World Climate Research Program. It will convene during the AGU Fall Meetings in San Francisco 15-19 December 2014.

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News From: - Call for Input

Sea Ice Outlook

Sample of SIP (i.e., ensemble mean SIE) in percent for a random year from CESM1.1.

The Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) announces a call for contributions to the July Sea Ice Outlook report. Please see the new guidelines for submitting pan-Arctic and regional outlooks. A variety of perspectives, from advanced numerical models to qualitative perspectives from citizen scientists, are welcome.

View Submission Guidelines

News From: - Publication

Sea Ice Outlook

Figure 1. Distribution of individual Pan-Arctic Outlook values (June Report) for September 2014 sea ice extent (values are rounded to the tenths).

The first arctic Sea Ice Outlook report of the year has been published, and we had a record number of pan-arctic contributions! The median Outlook value for September 2014 sea ice extent is 4.7 million square kilometers. Only three outlooks this are above the 2013 observed September extent. This full report includes a brief summary, comments on modeling outlook, current conditions, key statements from all the Outlook contributions, and links to download the outlook contributions.

View Sea Ice Outlook

News From: - Publication

SIPN Team Members in the News

Sun bounces off of the sea ice on a clear sunny day in the Arctic. Aboard the USCGC Polar Sea icebreaker in the Beaufort Sea.

SIPN Team members Stroeve, Hamiliton, Bitz, and Blanchard-Wrigglesworth published an analysis of the ensemble skill of the SEARCH Sea Ice Outlook 2008-2013 in predicting September Arctic sea ice extent. Their article is published in Geophysical Research Letters - 16 April 2014.

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News From: - Publication

New Article on Sea Ice Predictions

Median and interquartile range of July SIO predictions, compared with observed September mean sea ice extent. Image courtesy of Stroeve et al. (2014)

A new article by Larry Hamilton and others on the SIPN Team looks at the overall success of informal sea ice predictions contributed to the Sea Ice Outlook (SIO). Their article was published in Witness the Arctic - Spring 2014.

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News From: - Publication

Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic Volume 18 Number 2

The Spring 2014 issue of Witness the Arctic is now available. This issue includes an introduction of the new NSF Director, France A. Córdova; articles about other NSF news, the influence of Arctic climate changes on mid-latitude weather patterns, and the overall success of past Sea Ice Outlook predictions. Also included are updates on: the SEARCH program; NSF-funded projects in Arctic natural sciences, social sciences, and science education; international meetings; and NASA, NOAA, ACADIS, USARC, and the Polar Research Board. Special features in this issue are a perspective on the new ARCUS Vision and Mission statement, interviews with three members of the ARCUS Board of Directors, and Brendan P. Kelly's reflections on Arctic research coordination.

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News From: - Job Opening

Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee

Flying over mountains in Alaska.

Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) announces a position opening for a full-time Project Coordinator/Web Manager. The position will be be open until filled; initial review of applications will begin on 27 June 2014.

Job Announcement

News From: - Project Update

New Data Available

Sea Ice

A new sea ice thickness and snow depth product of the Arctic Ocean and the Beaufort and Chuckshi Seas is available from NSIDC. The 2014 quicklook data product is available here. The March 2014 CryoSat-2 data product is available here. Data collected on 28 April 2014 are forthcoming.

See Website

News From: - Webinar

Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee

Helicopter comes in to land on the USCG Healy icebreaker after visiting Little Diomede Island, U.S.

An Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) webinar will be held on Wednesday, June 25 at 3:00pm Eastern Time on "Building a Conceptual Framework on How to Assess Food Security From an Alaska Inuit Perspective.” This webinar is open to anyone interested in participating.

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News From: - Call for Input

Sea Ice Outlook

Figure 5. Distribution of 2013 Sea Ice Outlook predictions by method and month

The Sea Ice Prediction Network announces the launch of the 2014 Sea Ice Outlook season with the first call for contributions! Join a growing network of sea ice experts and contribute your pan-arctic or regional Outlook for the first report to be published in June.

See Announcement