News From: - Publication

PolarTREC Resource Available

Scientists and educators gather in Barrow, Alaska to learn about Iñupiaq Values Framework from Director of Iñupiaq Education, Jana Harcharek, during Arctic Ocean science curriculum workshop.

ARCUS education staff, with partners, facilitated three workshops for scientists and educations to increase science communication and create educational products. A paper was recently published in the Journal of Geoscience Education to identify the importance of those workshops focusing on culturally responsive curriculum based on alaskan marine ecosystems. View contributors and the abstract in the PolarTREC Learning Resources Collection.

View Publication Details

News From: - Outreach

Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook

Photo by Maggie Prevenas - PolarTREC/ARCUS

The Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook (SIWO), a product of the Study of Environmental Change (SEARCH) and part of SIPN, has launched the 2014 season with weekly reports that combine forecasts, remote sensing data, and local observations for the Northern Bering Sea and southern Chukchi Sea regions of Alaska.

SIWO Website

News From: - Webinar

IARPC Webinar

Image courtesy of NOAA

Announcing an Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) Webinar on "Current Science Questions and Activities Related to Arctic Black Carbon" scheduled for Friday, 18 April 2014 from 3:00-4:30 p.m. EDT. The webinar is open to anyone interested in joining.

Image courtesy of NOAA

More Information

News From: - Outreach

Sea Ice For Walrus Outlook

28 March 2014 SIWO Forecast

The 2014 Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook season is now in progress. Weekly reports describing the sea ice and weather conditions in the northern Bering Sea and southern Chukchi Sea will be available each Friday. Satellite imagery and local observations will be updated throughout the week as they are received.


News From: - Workshop

Workshop Webcast

Photo by Bruce Elder, Courtesy of Robert Harris (PolarTREC 2007)

The Sea Ice Prediction workshop next week will be webcast. Information on how to join, as well as an updated workshop agenda and participant list, can be found on the workshop webpage.

Workshop Webpage

News From: - New Website

Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee

A massive marine terminating glacier. Aboard the P-3 Orion, flying over Greenland. Photo by Mark Buesing (PolarTREC 2013)

Announcing a new website for the research community to learn more about the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) and join IARPC collaboration team meetings.

Visit Site

News From: - Publication

SIPN Team Member in the News

Julienne Stroeve

Julienne Stroeve is lead author on a Geophysical Research Letters article, "Changes in Arctic melt season and implications for sea ice loss”. The study has received a lot of good press coverage.

See Article

News From: - Workshop

Sea Ice Prediction Network

Photo by Ute Kaden (TREC 2005), Courtesy of ARCUS

The Sea Ice Prediction Network is holding a 2-day workshop in Boulder, Colorado, 1-2 April 2014, to provide a venue for in-depth discussion on the 2014 SEARCH Sea Ice Outlook and related sea ice prediction issues.

Workshop Webpage

News From: - Meeting

April Workshop

Photo by Ute Kaden (TREC 2005), Courtesy of ARCUS

A 2-day Sea Ice Prediction Network workshop in Boulder, Colorado, will provide a venue for in-depth discussion on the 2014 SEARCH Sea Ice Outlook and related sea ice prediction science.

Workshop Webpage

News From: - Webinar

SIPN Webinar Archive

Photo by Simone Welch (PolarTREC 2009), Courtesy of ARCUS

The archive of the 20 February SIPN Webinar is now available. This archive includes audio, video, and presentation slides in PDF format.

View Archive

News From: - Publication

Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic Volume 18 Number 1

The Winter 2014 issue of Witness the Arctic is now available. This issue includes news about the SEARCH program, NSF meetings and workshops, the Sea Ice Prediction Network, and NOAA’s Arctic Report Card. Also included are articles about data management, climate change impacts on ocean acidification and archaeology, and the Icelandic Arctic Fox Centre. Special features in this issue are interviews with members of the ARCUS Board of Directors and a Member Institution Highlight of Texas A&M.

View Issue

News From: - Webinar

JASE PolarConnect Webinar

More modern expeditionaries at the same royal setting. Luke, Claire and Anna. (PolarTREC 2014)

Join us for a PolarConnect (Webinar) event with the Joint Antarctic School Expedition from Chile!

PolarConnect Event is scheduled for:

Date: Tuesday 25 February 2014
Time: 9:30 am Alaska Standard Time

This expedition is a cultural and science exchange between students and teachers of the United States and Chile. Three US students, Claire Hacker, Anna Caldwell-Overdier, and Luke Maillefer, are going to present their experiences in Antarctica from Punta Arenas, Chile. Join them in the LIVE event!

Register for the webinar!

News From: - Webinar

AON Webinar

Photo by Jeff Otten, Courtesy of Nell Herrmann (PolarTREC 2012)

Join a free webinar on the Arctic Observing Network (AON) on Tuesday, 18 February 2014, 1:30 PM EST. This webinar is one of a series from the National Science Foundation on long-term observing management and governance. The webinar will be archived for those who want to view it afterwards.

View Details

News From: - Webinar

Register for Sea Ice Prediction Webinar

Thin sea ice forming in Chukchi Sea. Aboard the USCGC Healy icebreaker. Photo by Chantelle Rose (PolarTREC 2011)

Registration is now available for a Sea Ice Prediction Network webinar, which will be held on Thursday, 20 February at 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Alaska Standard Time. Registration is free and is open to all interested participants, including arctic sea ice researchers, students, decision makers, and others.

SIPN Webinar Registration

News From: - Webinar

Sea Ice Prediction Network Webinar

Thin sea ice forming in Chukchi Sea. Aboard the USCGC Healy icebreaker. Photo by Chantelle Rose (PolarTREC 2011)

Announcing a Sea Ice Prediction Network webinar on Thursday, 20 February 2014 11:00am - 12:00 pm AKST, and a Sea Ice Prediction Workshop 1-2 April in Boulder, Colorado. More information will be available here and through our email list. For now, see the initial announcement for these two events and the tentative workshop agenda.

SIPN Website

News From: - Webinar

AON Webinar

Photo by Jeff Otten, Courtesy of Nell Herrmann (PolarTREC 2012)

Join a free webinar on the Arctic Observing Network (AON) on Tuesday, 4 February 2014, 1:30 PM - 2:30 p.m. EST. This webinar is one of a series from the National Science Foundation on long-term observing management and governance. The webinar will be archived for those who want to view it afterwards.

View Details

News From: - Project Update

Study of Environmental Arctic Change

Study of Environmental Arctic Change

The Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) program is currently working on implementation of a new structure and activities. The new activities will focus on sea ice, permafrost, land ice, societal/policy implications, "Arctic Futures 2050", and fostering a coordinated arctic observing system. A 5-page summary of the new SEARCH vision, mission, goals, and structure is available on the SEARCH site.

SEARCH Website

News From: - Report

Sea Ice Outlook

The Sea Ice Outlook post-season report is available. Thirty-four groups contributed outlooks this season - thank you! The report provides brief highlights and a discussion of the 2013 sea ice season and lessons learned.

The Sea Ice Outlook post-season report is available. Thirty-four groups contributed outlooks this season - thank you! The report provides brief highlights and a discussion of the 2013 sea ice season and lessons learned.

View Report Here

News From: - Webinar

AON Webinar

Join a free webinar on the Arctic Observing Network (AON) on Tuesday, 21 January 2014 at 1:30-2:30 p.m. EST. This webinar is one of a series from the National Science Foundation on long-term observing management and governance. The webinar will be archived for those who want to view it afterwards.

View Details

News From: - Opportunity

Girls on Ice

Girls on Ice is a program for high school girls to learn more about mountaineering and climate science. The deadline to apply is 31 January 2014.

Applications are now available for the Girls on Ice 2014 Expeditions! Girls on Ice is a unique, FREE, wilderness science education program for high school girls. Each year a team of 9 teenage girls and 3 instructors spend 11 days exploring and learning about mountain glaciers and alpine landscapes through scientific field studies with professional glaciologists and mountaineers. This year there are TWO expeditions:

Girls on Ice NORTH CASCADES is the original expedition in Washington State.
Open to all girls age 15-18 (yes, international girls can apply!) July 28 - ­ August 8, 2014

Girls on Ice ALASKA is geared toward Alaskan and Pacific Northwest girls (age 15-18).
June 20 -­ July 1, 2014

Applications are due January 31, 2014.

News From: - Opportunity

Joint Science Education Project (JSEP)

Accepting applications for US high school students to the Joint Science Education Project, a summer research experience in Greenland!

Applications from US high school students are now being accepted for the Joint Science Education Program. Learn about research being conducted in Greenland and the logistics involved in supporting the research. During this international experience, students conduct experiments and participate in inquiry-based educational activities.

More information about the program and application can be found on the website. The complete application must be submitted electronically no later than 11:59 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, on Friday, January 31, 2014.

Joint Science Education Project Website

News From: - Opportunity

Long-term Observing Management and Governance Discussions

ARCUS is soliciting online proposals for funding support to enable discussions related to long-term observing management and governance. Proposals will be accepted on a continuous basis until June 1, 2014.

View Funding Form

News From: - New Project

Sea Ice Prediction Network

Photo by Jeff Peneston (PolarTREC 2008/2009), Courtesy of ARCUS

The Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) project, which will be launched over the fall 2013, will develop a collaborative network of scientists and stakeholders to advance research on sea ice prediction and communicate sea ice knowledge and tools

SIPN Website

News From: - Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts: Community & Citizen Science in the Far North

Call for Abstracts: Community & Citizen Science in the Far North!

Community and Citizen Science in the Far North is a free, virtual conference scheduled for 5–7 Oct. 2021. This virtual conference, integrated with social media, will focus on sharing, networking, and discussing the various aspects of conducting community and citizen science research in the Arctic. Abstracts are due on Monday 23 August 2021 at 5:00 PM Alaska Daylight Time. We encourage community members, students, and educators to submit an abstract. Share your experiences with community and citizen science research in the Arctic. There are no registration or abstract fees. Conference registration opens on August 16, 2021.

Learn More