Name Organization Title
Elise Miller-Hooks George Mason University Principal Investigator - Arctic Impacts and Reverberations of Expanding Global Maritime Trade Routes
Nicole Misarti University of Alaska Fairbanks Principal Investigator - Central North Atlantic Marine Historical Ecology Project
Twila Moon NSIDC, Univ Colorado Boulder Principal Investigator - Accelerating Discoveries at Greenlands Marine Margins Through International Collaboration
Nathan Moore Michigan State University Co-Principal Investigator - The Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring Network (CALM V): Long-term Observations on the Climate-Active Layer-Permafrost System
Megan Mucioki Pennsylvania State University Team Member - Pursuing Opportunities for Long-term Arctic Resilience for Infrastructure and Society (POLARIS)
Keith Musselman University of Colorado Boulder Principal Investigator - The Climate Impacts on Alaskan and Yukon Rivers, Fish, and Communities as Told Through Co-Produced Scenarios
Sue Natali Woodwell Climate Research Center Principal Investigator - Integrating Novel Greenhouse Gas Sensor Technology with Mechanistic Modeling to Improve Projections of Arctic Soil Responses to Climate Change and Fire
Ryan Neely III University of Leeds UK NERC Partner - The Integrated Characterization of Clouds, Energy, Atmospheric State, and Precipitation at Summit, Aerosol-Cloud Experiment (ICECAPS-ACE)
Frederick Nelson Michigan State University Principal Investigator - The Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring Network (CALM V): Long-term Observations on the Climate-Active Layer-Permafrost System
Rebecca Neumann University of Washington Principal Investigator - Groundwater Treatment, Delivery and Use in Rural Alaska
Andrew Newman National Center for Atmospheric Research Principal Investigator - The Climate Impacts on Alaskan and Yukon Rivers, Fish, and Communities as Told Through Co-Produced Scenarios
Robert Newton Columbia University Co-Principal Investigator - Arctic Robust Communities-Navigating Adaptation to Variability (ARC-NAV)
An Nguyen University of Texas at Austin Principal Investigator - Accelerating Discoveries at Greenlands Marine Margins Through International Collaboration
Linda Nicholas-Figueroa Iḷisaġvik College Principal Investigator - Students Using Local, Traditional, and Science Knowledge Bases to Investigate Arctic Snow Processes
Dmitry Nicolsky University of Alaska Fairbanks Co-Principal Investigator - Resilience and Adaptation to the Effects of Permafrost Degradation-Induced Coastal Erosion: People-Infrastructure-PErmafrost-Resilience (PIPER)
Dmitry Nicolsky University of Alaska Fairbanks Principal Investigator - Arctic Urban Risks and Adaptations (AURA): a Coproduction Framework for Addressing Multiple Changing Environmental Hazards
Charles Norchi University of Maine School of Law Senior Personnel - Systems Approaches to Understanding and Navigating the New Arctic (SAUNNA)
Kelsey Nyland The George Washington University Associate - The Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring Network (CALM V): Long-term Observations on the Climate-Active Layer-Permafrost System
Astrid Ogilvie University of Colorado Boulder Principal Investigator - Navigating Impacts of the Arctic Tourism Industry on Nature, Commerce, and Culture in Northern Communities
Robert W. Orttung George Washington University Principal Investigator - Navigating Impacts of the Arctic Tourism Industry on Nature, Commerce, and Culture in Northern Communities
Tamlin M. Pavelsky University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Principal Investigator - Navigating Convergent Pressures on Arctic Development
Guy Paxman Columbia University Other - Greenland Rising: Predicting Coastal Responses to a Changing Greenland Ice Sheet
Jana Peirce University of Alaska Fairbanks Project Coordinator - Landscape Evolution and Adapting to Change in Ice-Rich Permafrost Systems (NNA-IRPS)
Michael Perez Iowa State University Co-Principal Investigator - Responding to the Housing Crisis in the Arctic: A Transdisciplinary Approach Across Physical, Natural and Social Systems
Andrey Petrov University of Northern Iowa Co-Principal Investigator - Arctic Robust Communities-Navigating Adaptation to Variability (ARC-NAV)