Name Organization Title
Howard Epstein University of Virginia Principal Investigator - Understanding the Changing Natural-Built Landscape in an Arctic Community: An Integrated Sensor Network in Utqiagvik, Alaska
Jessica Ernakovich UNH Other - The Role of New England in Navigating the New Arctic
Keith Evans University of Maine Senior Personnel - Systems Approaches to Understanding and Navigating the New Arctic (SAUNNA)
Evie Fachon Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution Other - Origin and Fate of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Warming Chukchi Sea
Louise Farquharson University of Alaska Fairbanks Co-Principal Investigator - Arctic Urban Risks and Adaptations (AURA): a Coproduction Framework for Addressing Multiple Changing Environmental Hazards
Louise Farquharson University of Alaska Fairbanks Co-Principal Investigator - Planning for Infrastructure Resiliency and Adaptation amid Increasing Mass-Movement Risks across the Cryosphere
Louise Farquharson University of Alaska Fairbanks Co-Principal Investigator - Resilience and Adaptation to the Effects of Permafrost Degradation-Induced Coastal Erosion: People-Infrastructure-PErmafrost-Resilience (PIPER)
Kasey Faust University of Texas at Austin Principal Investigator - Water Infrastructure in the Arctic: Vulnerabilities at the Intersection of Social, Natural and Physical Systems
Daniel Ferguson University of Arizona Co-Principal Investigator - Networking Indigenous Arctic and US Southwest Communities on Knowledge Co-Production in Data Sciences
Celso Ferreira George Mason University Co-Principal Investigator - Arctic Impacts and Reverberations of Expanding Global Maritime Trade Routes
Jodi Forlizzi Carnegie Mellon University Co-Principal Investigator - Understanding Future Systems of Transportation in Arctic Regions, a Workshop Proposal
Kevin Franke Brigham Young University Principal Investigator - Interaction Between Coastal and Riverine Processes and the Built Environment in Coastal Arctic Communities
Steve Frolking University of New Hampshire Principal Investigator - Peat Expansion in Arctic Tundra - Pattern, Process, and the Implication for the Carbon Cycle (TundraPEAT)
William Gallus Iowa State University Co-Principal Investigator - Responding to the Housing Crisis in the Arctic: A Transdisciplinary Approach Across Physical, Natural and Social Systems
Anne Garland Applied Research in Environmental Sciences Nonprofit, Inc. Co-Principal Investigator - Arctic Impacts and Reverberations of Expanding Global Maritime Trade Routes
Shari Fox Gearheard National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) Co-Principal Investigator - Rain on Snow and Extreme Precipitation Events Across the Arctic and their Impacts on Social-Ecological Systems
Majid Ghayoomi University of New Hampshire Principal Investigator - Seismic Resilience and Adaptation of Infrastructure and Social Systems to Changing Arctic Environments
Colin Gleason University of Massachusetts, Amherst Co-Principal Investigator - Developing Arctic Resilience to Future Water Cycle, River Systems, and Coastal Change
Michael Goldstein Babson College Principal Investigator - Navigating Convergent Pressures on Arctic Development
Michael Goldstein Babson College Collaborator - Modeling Risk from Black Carbon in a Coupled Natural-Human System at the Arctic Ice Edge
Michael Gooseff University of Colorado Boulder Co-Principal Investigator - The Climate Impacts on Alaskan and Yukon Rivers, Fish, and Communities as Told Through Co-Produced Scenarios
Martha Grabowski Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Co-Principal Investigator - Emergency Response in the Arctic (ERA): Investments for Global Capacities and Local Benefits
Claire Griffin University of Virginia Postdoctoral Researcher - Understanding the Changing Natural-Built Landscape in an Arctic Community: An Integrated Sensor Network in Utqiagvik, Alaska
Guido Grosse Alfred Wegener Institute Co-Principal Investigator - The Permafrost Discovery Gateway: Navigating the New Arctic Tundra Through Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Cyberinfrastructure
Kathy Halvorsen Michigan Technological University Team Member - Pursuing Opportunities for Long-term Arctic Resilience for Infrastructure and Society (POLARIS)