ARCUS Publication Directory

The ARCUS Publication Directory is a portal that includes science planning documents, white papers, newsletters, and other reports that are outside of the peer review literature.

The publications index is listed in chronological order beginning with the most recent publication.

Displaying 111 - 120 of 259 publications.
Year: 2016 - Publication

Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) Arctic Research Plan: FY 2017-2021

Arctic Research Plan: FY 2017-2021. Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology Council, Washington, D. C. 2016. 84 pp.

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Year: 2011 - Publication

Understanding Earth's Polar Challenges: International Polar Year 2007-2008, Chapter 5.2 "Broadening the Cross-Disciplinary Impact of IPY Research"

Igor Krupnik, et al., (eds.), Understanding Earth's Polar Challenges: International Polar Year 2007-2008, Chapter 5.2 "Broadening the Cross-Disciplinary Impact of IPY Research". University of the Arctic, Rovaniemi, Finland /CCI Press (Printed Version), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and ICSU/WMO Joint Committee for International Polar Year 2007–2008. 2011. 105 pp.

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Release Date: - Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic | Volume 20, Number 3 - Fall

The Fall 2016 issue of Witness the Arctic is now published online. This issue includes several perspectives on the significance of the Arctic Science Ministerial meeting held 28 September in Washington, D.C.; updates on SEARCH program activities, new working groups, and discussion about the Sea Ice Outlook; NSF funded projects in the Arctic natural and social sciences; recent ice trials for the R/V Sikuliaq; services provided by the Arctic Data Center; news of key personnel changes in NSF's Division of Polar Programs; spotlights on Arctic research efforts; interagency updates from USARC, IARPC

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Release Date: - Sea Ice Outlook

Sea Ice Outlook: 2016 August Report

Outlook Report


Thank you to the groups that sent outlooks to the 2016 August report. We received 40 Outlooks; 39 pan-Arctic (three of which also provided Alaska-regional Outlooks), and one additional regional-only Outlook (ARCUS/editor's note 8/26 - this is a record number of contributions for the Sea Ice Outlook - thank you!). Five contributions included gridded fields.

The writing of this August Outlook report was led by Jim Overland (NOAA) with contributions from the SIPN leadership team.

This month the median pan-Arctic extent Outlook for September 2016 sea ice

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Release Date: - Sea Ice Outlook

Sea Ice Outlook: 2016 July Report

Outlook Report


Thank you to the groups that sent outlooks to the 2016 July report. We received 37 total Outlooks; 36 pan-Arctic (3 of which also provided Alaska-regional outlooks), and one additional regional-only outlook. Five contributions included gridded fields.

The writing of this July Outlook report was led by Cecilia Bitz and Ed Blanchard-Wrigglesworth (U. of Washington), with contributions from the rest of the SIPN leadership team.

This month the median pan-Arctic extent Outlook for September 2016 sea ice extent is 4.3

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Release Date: - Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic | Volume 20, Number 2 - Spring

The Spring 2016 issue of Witness the Arctic is now published online. This issue includes highlights of ARCUS member institution UIC Science in Barrow, Alaska; SEARCH program activities of the three SEARCH Action Teams, the Sea Ice Prediction Network, the Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook, and the Arctic Observing Open Science Meeting; NSF funded projects and programs FAMOS and the new Arctic Data Center; news of key personnel changes in NSF’s Division of Polar Programs; spotlights on Arctic research efforts; interagency updates from IARPC, USARC, and SOAR; international news from IASC, a summary of

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Release Date: - Sea Ice Outlook

Sea Ice Outlook: 2016 June Report

Outlook Report

Executive Summary

Thank you to the groups that contributed to the 2016 June report. We received 30 contributions that include pan-Arctic predictions and two additional contributions with a regional focus.

This June Outlook report was developed by lead authors, Julienne Stroeve (NSIDC) and Ed Blanchard-Wrigglesworth (UW), with contributions from the rest of the SIPN Leadership Team.

The median Outlook value for September 2016 sea ice extent is 4.28 million square kilometers with quartiles of 4.10 and 4.63 million square

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Year: 2010 - Publication

State of the Arctic: Conference Resolution

Peter Schlosser, Helen Wiggins (eds.), in collaboration with conference participants, State of the Arctic: Conference Resolution. Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), Fairbanks, Alaska. 2010. 1 pp.

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Year: 2011 - Publication

State of the Arctic Conference: Summary of Key Policy-Relevant Arctic Science

Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), State of the Arctic Conference: Summary of Key Policy-Relevant Arctic Science. Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), Fairbanks, Alaska. 2011. 5 pp.

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