ARCUS Publication Directory

The ARCUS Publication Directory is a portal that includes science planning documents, white papers, newsletters, and other reports that are outside of the peer review literature.

The publications index is listed in chronological order beginning with the most recent publication.

Displaying 81 - 90 of 259 publications.
Year: 2016 - Publication

Coastal Monitoring Indigenous Knowledge Holders Meeting Report

Coastal Monitoring Indigenous Knowledge Holders Meeting Report. Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC), Ottawa, Canada. 2016. 15 pp.

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Year: 2017 - Publication

A Synthesis of Climate Adaptation Planning Needs in Alaska Native Communities

Meeker, D., and N. Kettle. 2017. A Synthesis of Climate Adaptation Planning Needs in Alaska Native Communities. Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy; Fairbanks, AK.

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Year: 2011 - Publication

Synthesis Report of Local Meetings: Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative

Wiggins, H.V. (editor). Synthesis Report of Local Meetings: Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS) for the Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Fairbanks, Alaska. 2011.

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Release Date: - Sea Ice Outlook

Sea Ice Outlook: 2017 August Report

Outlook Report

Executive Summary

Thank you to the groups that contributed to the 2017 SIO reports. For August we received 37 contributions for pan-Arctic extent predictions, nine of which also contributed Alaska regional extent predictions and 10 of which also contributed for Antarctica. We received two additional contributions for Antarctica only and two descriptive regional contributions. This August Outlook report and current conditions were coordinated by lead author Uma Bhatt (University of Alaska Fairbanks) with contributions from Edward Blanchard-Wrigglesworth (University

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Release Date: - Sea Ice Outlook

Sea Ice Outlook: 2017 July Report

Outlook Report

Executive Summary

Thank you to the groups that contributed to the 2017 June and July reports. For July we received 36 contributions for pan-Arctic extent predictions. Eight contributed Alaska regional extent predictions, 12 contributed for Antarctica, and two informal contributions were received. This July Outlook report and current conditions was coordinated by lead author James Overland (NOAA) with contributions from Edward Blanchard-Wrigglesworth (University of Washington), François Massonnet (Université Catholique de Louvain and Barcelona Super Computing Center)

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Release Date: - Sea Ice Outlook

Sea Ice Outlook: 2017 June Report

Outlook Report

Executive Summary

Thank you to the groups that contributed to the 2017 June report. We received 33 contributions that include pan-Arctic predictions, 2 additional contributions with a regional focus, and 7 Antarctic forecasts.

This June Outlook report was developed by lead authors Julienne Stroeve (NSIDC) and Walt Meier (NASA GSFC), with contributions from Ed Blanchard-Wrigglesworth (UW), François Massonnet (Université Catholique de Louvain) and the rest of the SIPN Leadership Team.

The median Outlook value for September 2017 sea ice extent is 4.43 million

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Year: 2016 - Publication

Arctic Resilience Report

M. Carson and G. Peterson (eds.), Arctic Resilience Report. Stockholm Environment Institute and Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm, Sweden. 2016. 240 pp.

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Year: 2017 - Publication

Final Report: International Workshop to Reconcile Methane Budgets in the Northern Permafrost Region

McGuire, A.D., B.P. Kelly, L. Sheffield Guy, H.V. Wiggins, L. Bruhwiler, J. Frederick, H. Huntington, R. Jackson, R. Macdonald, C. Miller, D. Olefeldt, E.A.G. Schuur, and M.R. Turetsky, Final Report: International Workshop to Reconcile Methane Budgets in the Northern Permafrost Region. Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS), Fairbanks, Alaska. 2017. 14 pp.

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Year: 2017 - Publication

First SEARCH Knowledge Exchange Workshop on the Impacts of Arctic Sea-Ice Loss

First SEARCH Knowledge Exchange Workshop on the Impacts of Arctic Sea-Ice Loss. SEARCH, Fairbanks, Alaska. 2017. 32 pp.

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Year: 2003 - Publication

Ethical Principles for the Conduct of Research in the North

Ethical Principles for the Conduct of Research in the North. Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 2003. 9 pp.

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