Name Organization Title
Guangqing Chi Pennsylvania State University Principal Investigator - Pursuing Opportunities for Long-term Arctic Resilience for Infrastructure and Society (POLARIS)
Melissa Chipman Syracuse University Principal Investigator - Navigating Disturbance Regimes in the New Arctic
Leena Cho University of Virginia / Arctic Design Group Co-Principal Investigator - Understanding the Changing Natural-Built Landscape in an Arctic Community: An Integrated Sensor Network in Utqiagvik, Alaska
Brian Claus Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Co-Principal Investigator - Persistent, Long-Range, Autonomous Under-Ice Observations of Arctic Change
Sara Cobb George Mason University Co-Principal Investigator - Arctic Impacts and Reverberations of Expanding Global Maritime Trade Routes
Steve Colt University of Alaska Fairbanks Principal Investigator - Adaptable Microgrids in Arctic Communities
Sarah Cooley Stanford University Collaborator - Co-Production of Shorefast Ice Knowledge in Uummannaq Bay, Greenland
Christopher Cox NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory Co-Principal Investigator - Atmospheric Measurements from Unmanned Aircraft during SODA - Deployment of miniFlux and Initial Data Analysis
Lauren E. Culler Dartmouth/ARCUS Board Principal Investigator - Facilitating Increased Engagement Between the Research Communities of Greenland and the US
Tracie Curry Northern Social-Environmental Research Co-Principal Investigator - Global Impacts and Social Implications of Changing Thermokarst Lake Environments Near Yukon River Watershed Communities
Seth Danielson University of Alaska Fairbanks Co-Principal Investigator - Atautchikkun Ilitchisukluta (Coming together to learn): Co-producing knowledge across the Northwest Passage
Margaret Darrow University of Alaska Fairbanks Principal Investigator - Planning for Infrastructure Resiliency and Adaptation amid Increasing Mass-Movement Risks across the Cryosphere
Gijs de Boer University of Colorado Boulder Principal Investigator - Atmospheric Measurements from Unmanned Aircraft during SODA - Deployment of miniFlux and Initial Data Analysis
Peter DeCarlo Johns Hopkins University Principal Investigator - Sustainably Navigating Arctic Pollution Through Engaging Communities (SNAP-TEC)
Tatiana Degai University of Northern Iowa Principal Investigator - Arctic Robust Communities-Navigating Adaptation to Variability (ARC-NAV)
Payman Dehghanian The George Washington University Principal Investigator - Foundations for Improving Resilience in the Energy Sector against Wildfire on Alaskan Lands (FIREWALL)
Jack Dibb University of New Hampshire Other - The Role of New England in Navigating the New Arctic
Matthew Druckenmiller National Snow and Ice Data Center & NNA-CO Co-Principal Investigator - Developing Coordinated Monitoring Networks in the Arctic to Evaluate and Respond to Rapidly Changing Environments
Matthew Druckenmiller National Snow and Ice Data Center & NNA-CO Co-Principal Investigator - Rain on Snow and Extreme Precipitation Events Across the Arctic and their Impacts on Social-Ecological Systems
Alice DuVivier National Center for Atmospheric Research Principal Investigator - Maritime Transportation in a Changing Arctic: Navigating Climate and Sea Ice Uncertainties
Nelta Edwards University of Alaska Anchorage Co-Principal Investigator - Arctic Network for Coastal Community Hazards, Observations, and Integrated Research (ANCHOR)
Laura Eichelberger Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Co-Principal Investigator - Groundwater Treatment, Delivery and Use in Rural Alaska
Emily Eidam University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Principal Investigator - Interaction Between Coastal and Riverine Processes and the Built Environment in Coastal Arctic Communities
Sheryl Elliott George Washington University Co-Principal Investigator - Navigating Impacts of the Arctic Tourism Industry on Nature, Commerce, and Culture in Northern Communities
David Emerson Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences Principal Investigator - Interactions of the Microbial Iron and Methane Cycles in the Tundra Ecosystem